Special Programs and Projects A Note to PRO’s The purpose of this special Program" and "reject: section is to give Public Relatimn- 0]â€" .rng a spot in Home and Country ll'lu’l't‘ they .m tell all the Institute: of the Province aluutt -n-rhing done in their own lnxtirmc h'lllt‘ll - lulu afler a suggestion to other hmm‘ltct. ,4: we have explained in previous ixsm-x. m- nmat give space to routine rcpt-Hr of urnâ€"t- qsâ€"tmless the program it w original ur ttxtantling as to give an idea in nrlm- litm- (“35. A particularly good subjert for u mptr. :ccusslon. debate, motto or roll (all ll‘lillltl lu- t-lcame. Some years ago it was decided that “'1' ('tllllll at report anniversary celebrarimtv. Tin-n- an- tinrerert mainly in the local conmmm‘ty whm- 5r: participants are known and n/ murn' 'R.0..r will re: that they get inm lllt' lmul apart: And pleare note that to prorlur‘e' an film/m- an we require a photograph. not Illa llt‘gtllll't'i 'ltl that we cannot make a cut from a mlarnl :rture or [ram a slide. Perhaps the best way to sec tlu' rurr n! mn- rial we need for this section is In lllllk at tin- pic: in this and previous isrucv. Tin-IL m R0. for your branch or (littrirt nr nrm. i! -u have a .rtory that should be told. fl“. fill'tltt'. ud it along. â€" Editor. Having a Project Creates Interest By Mrs. John Malcolm EETERVILLE WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE The“ been busy again this year. When other groups ask how we achieve so mch. our answer is. “Start a project.“ The 0an then work harder together and are .Iuch more interested. thn Teeterville Women's Institute bought it: old school for a hallI there was certainly lot of work to be done, and with very little ind: we did what we could ourselves. but were were costs that required money. and. “min; 10 pay off the mortgagc in as shan 13111: as possible, we have planned vuricd 4!! of raising our funds. We have three annual events. beside cater- “2. renting the hall. etc. Each July we hold > chicken barbecue. this year feeding somc .100 people. Our husbands turned in In help PM]. 1963 do the cooking. In September we hold our Southernâ€"style Brunswick Stew. This event is growing each year. We do the cooking outside but all an: fed inside the hall. Then in Febru- ury we hold an European-style supper. This IS supervised by our new Canadian members when they cook such treats us chicken. cah- hagc rolls. rye [tn-ml. etc. and top it all off with their dclicimn tortcs. This July. chtcrvillc Institute was lmst In members of 1‘} Women's Institutes of North and South Norfolk County. It “as a rainy din 50 all was held tnsitlc. .-\t'tcr .1 dclicinus dinner 4t “1Ԡunioycd program was prm-itlcd hy dil- tcrt‘nt Institute» 'l'cclcn'illc t'ur thcir pun made up n rhythm huml tltcx‘scd m the mlâ€:an pm- plc in at cmmlr} \illugc, We lunl the minister. hutchcr. mayor. granny. turmur John. Aunt Iucy and nlhcn. .tml ul‘tcr marching to Muc- numum's ILtml lln- \wmcu. tu me“ our his- !uricnl :tmlutium. sang: ‘l'lw lillll.‘ Ultl "mu-n Shack Out link. with tannin tuunl‘urs in clolhu of thy period xtumltug guunl mur ll‘tL‘ building. 'I lu- t|.t_\ \\;t\ much cuimctl and hot- .cr rclultunx lull lwtucun thu \.ll'rtlll\ Itt\llllllt:‘i. chtcrvtllc has it (culuuuiul (‘utunultuc working un the malctiul tn gn into n nut-scum. The Incul tnunslu‘p council ix running a log 11mm: .‘uul placing it an ptupt‘l'h' pnrclmscd item the \\"nmcu‘~‘ lusttlutc us u uculcmtiul pron-qt. When “inter tullx nruuutl uc plan to hold tccn-Iuwn dunch :uul ClIL'IHL‘ |‘ill‘llL‘\ week about. hcmlu muting nur lull .uul unit-ring tu \urinm LIL‘IHlTIL‘V Sn H mm lmltlulc \t‘t‘lllk In In: \Iippinu. tuln‘ up .t pll‘lt‘fl tu unrk lut. It helm. Another (iuud Samaritan Story ll\ .\lr\ Hut 4 l'tttlt‘tuan HIS PAST \VINll-‘R n wrung wunmrt I in nur wtmnumn lnulul hcrwll in scri- t‘llk trnul‘lc lll'f hmhuml. lulluwiug :1 vary Nl‘ll‘rl tllucxs, pmsutl .mnuy lent-int: Itix “mug mu. l .ttuhn. IVHJIII)‘ nnc )‘L'nra nl' ugh. and three stnnll daughters. ttgctl hm “nus. t‘ttll‘ year and luv tunnth 'lhcy h.ul hL‘t'll tutu-taunt: and living, nn H Ltrm mum! hv his LIIIHI‘v 1hr hum lmuw. :I mile from llu: mm], “as wrv old. cultl. uith rIn ln-dru and Mill: ct-mlnth at any kind. (tun- Iyn luul I‘ccn martan wry mung; ltcr lmhim arrival clmuh‘. and mm In living cumlitinm Ihc chtldrcn urn: in put-r hrnlth. When hut huh-mm! died the young witluw w.“ in gum.- citcunnlnnum. Slu- uwnctl only the three huhicx' cnlu and her wedding pres- ents. She had no money, no hultw. Ihrcc hnhics nullcring {rum hzul unlds :tml lmih. uncl nu plan: to 30. Her purcnln 1m: in Quebec. and having twch-c children of their mm. snmc still 27