Nurses of the county. The Institutes were In- strumental in having V.O.N. service PFOV'ded for rural parts of the county as well as the towns. Institutes help the nurse at child clinics. provide layettes to be given if and where they are needed, and assist in many ways. National and International Interests South Tarentorus read papers on Miss Ead- ie‘s trip to the North West Territories and had a display of pamphlets brought from the F.W.I.C. convention in Nova Scolia. Harmony is making a study of Prince Ed- ward Island this year as this is the hundFEdlh anniversary of the first conference to make plans for the confederation of the Canadian provinces. The Institute recommends a study of all the provinces. Purple Grove also studâ€" ied P.E.I. MacLennan: Institute members are planning to attend the presentation of “Hiawatha†on the Garden River Indian Reserve, which runs through the month of July â€"“A great tourist attraction.†they say. Five Lakes reports: “We take our jar for Pennies for Friendship to every meeting and each member contributes. Moyle, in response to an appeal, sent maga- zines to an Institute in the North West Ter- ritories. St. George reports: “We have adopted a Korean boy through the Unitarian Service Committee and our members are very much interested in the letters we receive from him. We also sent a quantity of used clothing to the Unitarian Service Depot.†Through the Save the Children Plan, Glen- morris sponsors a child in Hong Kong. Oak Hill sponsors a child in Austria. This is Elsi- nore’s fifth year to sponsor a child. They say: “It takes a bit of extra effort but we hope to continue.†Third Line says: “We have spon- sored a child in Hong Kong “for several years." Holstein sponsors a Chinese girl in Hong Kong; Port Lambton a Korean boy. Burford Institute members are correspond- ing with members of Burford Institute in Eng- land. Mount Hope (Bruce Centre) at one of their meetings had a poster on display showing how one level of the Institute organization leads up to another. from the branch to A.C.W.W. 0n International Day they had a study of Ceylon. Skipness also had a talk on the different levels of the Institute from branch to A,C.W.W. Their motto at this meeting was: “World Affairs are our Affairs.†And they had a geography contest. Chesley reports: “Our Citizenship convener conducted a study of the North West Terri- tories and explained the F.W.I.C. centennial project for the expansion of Institute work and adult education in this area. And our tinned Nations convener brought us up [u ML. on ‘United Nations in Action‘ and Intel .uimnn Coâ€"operaliot‘l Year. Our Institute is u wth of United Nations.†Bervie had as a motto "How to l “uh our neighbors both home and abroad Kairshea: “At each meeting we In , ï¬w minuteS' study of a country repm My In A.C.W.W. Our P.R.O. obtained ll‘. hm material from the Embassy of each “mfg. and it is being kept on file.†' Kincardine: A speaker who had In an a tour of Europe and took special n t; m the Scandinavian countries spoke ti and showed pictures. Kars had a roll call to be answere senting gifts for Eskimo children. I“ tributed to the District fund sp0n~.- Asian child. Leitrim invited new Canadians in to come to the International meeting about customs and the things they ‘ Lise in their homeland. The roll cal do we expect of a newcomer; and v a new-comer expect of us?†was folt a discussion. A lady made a Germtu torte for dessert. “The evening was v. enjoyed by everyone.†As outstanding program features or Nestleton mentions those provided convener of Citizenship and Educate cially the translation from Dutch to l the essay: “Impact of Canada on it gration from the Netherlands." Cowal reports: “Our Institute hzitl change meeting‘ with an Institute in As a result of this meeting. an eldcrl from the neighborhood of the English who were visiting in Canada, spent :1 our area as guests of our Institute meni Camber had an enjoyable demonstr making Apple Strudel by a New L four years out from Austria. The appi' was served with tea at the close of ti ing. This branch has a link with a Women‘s Assoeiation in Australia. Good Luck Institute received a war of appreciation from an institute in ti: West Territories for a parcel of books. Harrow had a missionary from Sow ca speak about that country. At Ce. a minister and his wife. natives of I spoke on Holland. Bluewater had :1 Kenya by a returned missionary. At Malden a New Canadian fami sented a movie travelogue of their natty slavia. Kemblc, on International day. had 3 Indian crafts and a Dutch resident 5P Holland.