The Hon. W. A. Steworl, On- igrio Minister of Agriculture, tollts with the F.W.I.O. Presi- dent. Mrs. Small (left) and the Past President, Mrs. Leonard YriverL »lLl those suitable for your area and that you l'JV‘C to get the powers-that-be to get more : them in your community. We can also «In great deal to promote the tourist industry in :tr communities." Mrs. Wilding :tdvix'ed enn- ilting with the local Agricultural Representa- xe or with men in industry who might ree- niniend speakers. ï¬lms or study mitlcrlitl iituhle for Institute programs in our areas. Mrs. Geo. S. Burkitt, F.W.l.0. represent- ‘|\‘C to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 'ported, by letter. that this year the marketing farm products had been :i major concern I' the O.F.A. The Federation "has “\Kl‘thKl the miler chicken producers and the turkey pi‘iv titers in bringing their comnioditim In the ‘ttllls of regulated products and ll1ll§ enjoying ‘ie security provided by the Farm l’r'iidtietx lirkcting Act." she reported. A \‘L‘U repie intative system of committeea in the l’etlem- An makes it possible for all the nrgzirii/utium ‘illllitlcd to have :1 voice in shaping policies. ltix year the resolutions deiilt ttith ii Hinge tit ihjects including marketing. education. inxnr wee. farm lahor. compulsory \\'.ll'l‘tlL'-ll\ emi- w-l, income tax exemption. interpi'enitiun iif .-rieultural goods under the ‘iith‘i tux regiil.» :nns. Mrs. Trivers read a letter from :t committee l the Agricultural Science Tezichei‘x‘ :‘tsweiii- an asking the Institutes to prepare it hriel nr 'llgcstions on what they comiiler desirable in 5: teaching of agriculture in \L‘L‘UnLliil'“ .‘hools. The committee hnpcs to Resp wine P'I- 'll\ interested in h‘gh NCl’IUQl for u Iting:r llltl' L offering scientific agriculture m. :in Uplil'l’lill IIllcct on the same basis as music. The enurwe nuld not take the place of science or niltll'lC‘ ‘itntics but would he of special value In iliplunm inidents going into employment. The commit- ‘VC hopes to have greenhouses for teaching (in WINTER I96b the Mllllt.‘ lam». .i\ \llt‘il\ [in \llnt‘ uin: .‘niil they \\t\llltl lllu‘ In ultei teelinieul shop with related In .ierieitlture. ('itirensliip and Education .-\n intetexting point in .\ll\. ('. l-'. Yeatex" repel! on ('iti/emliip .llltl I'tliit‘atum \\.t\ the inert-Mine PA†in lnstittlle [‘litttt.|llt\ living Lil.- en in Neu ('\: :ilm llll.‘ tinnile I‘l ittlilrexxu l‘tk I.|\\\L‘r\ nii \\'|ll\, l'xtittex. llttntnn Rtglttx and Luis pertaining to Ht‘lllt'll. (ltlit'r \twnlwh \tL'IL' lL‘I‘l'L‘Sl'IllJlHI‘N t‘l lllL‘ l'tlllt‘t‘ liiiee. the l)L'|‘.llllllt'lll nt \nitlieiii \11.iii~. \li\\ Indie tcpni'tini! tlll llt'l lnxlilitlt- \ntu't iii the \ullli \\'t'\t 'l'eiiiti-Iies. lt‘|1lt.'\\‘tll;tll\L‘\ iii the ('uniieil un itttiiieiiiml .tll.ltl\_ piiilutiiiii (it Iieetk nn itiu'nile tll'lllltllll'llL\ linielii'ix Mid School lnapettnix xii-11w tll‘t \n \miiimtlt lll \l.itheni.itiu. \t‘u \li-Iliutlx t‘l ‘lt'.nli|iip, lltt' \e\\ t IIIIIL‘lllllllI, lltuptitlls Ill H'u‘iinildtt \eltiiiilx. \lttwtt‘ lk'.lt.'lll‘l'~ spillm tin the \Jlllll' tll lttllle‘ in Helimlls, .llltl ltl‘l.lll.lll‘i nn tlii' impair thrice ii! igimtl lt'.|lllll_|' ll.|\l'llll‘ll\'\ .tltil lllllh [Liti- .. plmu tin mmt lltxltllllt' ]‘lt|t!l.ll|l\. .tiul tlixgll‘nlttllk tire l‘L'CiIlllllllf I‘UPIIl-It \llk Matte». let! the ll'llllllllt‘l the he [Lilllllt’lll or t lit/enslnp .tlltl llllllll]‘l.tlll|tl. (H l.t\\4t, \xtll \L'l'lll .t tree ll'|'\v «it lltl' tli.iw/iiii' "( ill/vii" ll‘ .im lll'sllllllt'.l‘i1.|llt'll|| ll tlllll lint, Il.’p.ttlttll‘ltt illlt'l‘» .| i'lt'.tl tlt‘nl til t'\t‘r,‘llt‘lll Nl'lltl‘. lll.|lk'l|.ll llL’r‘ hit i\.iiiiplt- llIL‘ lumltlt‘lx "()iir |,mi,1"_ "t'tiir Iliuriin‘] "()ni' lie-utilit't'x' \lru. ‘ienle‘. IEVI‘JL' :t Ili'lJlll'il tt‘piiil til \m xiiinx Ill tlie 'ltttkteek .‘iml Rail-linkers‘ ‘it't‘tinri til lltl' (ll -\ “here «he lt‘pH'\t.'lllL‘(l the lk'll' etiitul \Vuiiii'ii'w ltt\llllllt". lll ()Illilllll Historical Rewnrrli :iml (‘tlrrt'nl Events The report Ill 1hr cunxenei iif Historical Re- warcli .inil (“inn-tit l \L‘nlx, Mix, W. ll. ( Ingâ€" \ltll'l contained .in ettetlaitc Ital Ul rnll cnllm 9