Mn kettle hung from this. Water darkened ,th instant coffee to look like maple syrup us put in the kettle; and wood and red crepe uper were arranged under the kettle to look :{e a fire. Scattered twigs and orlon pile ere used to make the platform look like the ound in a sugar bush. Two Institute members and two children ide on the float. one lady stirring the conâ€" nts of the kettle and a little girl stirring .me in a saucer. The other lady collected tickets and emptied the "Sap" into a barrel. One Small Group’s Achievements By Betty Charland in Detlor and L’Amable Women's Institute but we are sometimes a little troud of what we have accomplished by everyâ€" -ne working hard. In June 1965 we decided that our Institute .vould take as a project help in raising money 0 assist a newly formed group called the Banâ€" :roft and District Association for Retarded 7E HAVE ONLY TWELVE members At Welland East and West District Institutes' International meeting, Left to right: Mrs. A. 8. Mil- ler, Pres. Welland East,- Mrs. Joseph Wilsnni Pres. Welland West; Rev. M. A. Aylestock. St. Cuthurines. guest speaker; Mrs. Hor- vey Eller, Pres. Hamilton Convention Area,- Mrs. Russell Youngblut, F.W.l.O. Board Member; Mrs. George Walker, Pres. Stamford Institute, the hostess branch. Children who were trying to start a day school. At that time I do not believe they had any funds at all. Like a lot of other people. our knowledge 0f mental retardation was very limited. so lor our July meeting we invited the president of this Association to our meeting along with a neighboring Institute. This president. who has a retarded son. spoke to us and explained what mental retardation really was and how much these children could learn if given the oppor- tunity. Our collection of Sl4.65 that day was donated to them. This group was holding a "mile of dimes" collection at the annual Jamboree in Bancroft and some of our members volunteered to hip in their booth. Then we held a euchre Party and gave them the proceeds of $3.25. We had a large box of silk patches given to “5 50 we pieced and quilted a beautiful silk SUMMER 1966 quilt and sold tickets on it and gave them the proceeds which amounted to $100.50. The children started to their day school in February of this year. 1966. So we feel re- warded in helping to make the school a rc- ality. Besides this project we gave donations to two families with children in the Sick Chil- dren‘s Hospital in Toronto. Wc scnt Christmas parcels to all our senior citizens in the township and those from our township In the Home for the Aged in Belle- ville. also to those who are shut-ins. We send “get well" cards to the sick. sympathy to he- rcaved and congratulationx to the parents of new babies. And we give a homemade quilt to any family in the township who has a lire‘. groceries. fruit. etc. are sent to those who have serious illness or mislortunc. Our Institute sponsors a 4-H (‘all‘ Club and :i Hallowc'cn party for all the children. We give donatiom to high school commencement awards. to the mmic I'L‘\li\';i| and thc Bancroft artificial ice fund. in I‘m-l a high chair was purchased for the hospital in Bancrolt. I hope this will show what a small group of women can do. Penny Sales and Dutch Auctions Hr rift-i. ilfmi' L. Huii'ltit' l-lli IFJI'IUR asked how a Penny Sale I is conducted. Members donate articles of small value which may include jams. linking. plastic work. small novels. plantxv almost anything another person might like to own. W'c prepare Iickcts and we lintl that lhc best way I\ to make strips ul lickcls. liach strip will havi: an equal another of tickets. say about lillccn: cvctt' ticket on the \trip carries the same number: and Ihc strip wrll he hillll at around twenty-live cents. You buy a strip ol tickets. detach one (11' lllttt'l.‘ and place llll any article yntt fancy. thn all are placed. two pctiplc lake charge. they take all the tickcls that have been placed on an article. put Ilicm in a box or hat. shake them up and draw one. ‘lhc person who has 21