Winners oi the Adelaide Hoodless Proficiency Scholar- ships lS250 each) with Dr. Janet Wurdlow, newly appointed Dean of Mocdonuld Institute, left to right: Miss Janet R. Crawford, Miss leona M. lock. Adelaide H oodless and Macdonald Institute in the beginning years of the nineteenth century. Adelaide Hoodless visited her son Bernard who was a student at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College at Guelph. During the visit Mrs. Hoodless was impressed by the attractive campus and a brilliant idea came to her. Here would he a fine situation for a school for D0- mestic Science. Six months previous to this visit a much needed Normal School of Domestic Science and Art [or the training of teachers of Domes- tic Science had been opened at Hamilton. But already this school was too small to meet the need, "Why not then." thought Adelaide Hoodless. “move the entire school from Ham- ilton to the campus at Guelph?“ Never one to let a good thought lie dormant. Mrs. Hoodless discus<ed the idea with Dr. James Mills, presi- dent of the Ontario Agricultural College. Dr. Mills seemed to favour the move but the big need was money. Two possible benefactors came to mind: Sir William Macdonald and Lord Strathcona. Sir William‘s gifts to education had already in~ 24 eluded several large buildings for McGill t m. versity. Lord Strathcona had shown his int. in women’s education by his gift to M. .:li University of the Donalda Fund for the l. I education of women. He had also contn: i generously when Mrs. Hoodless was coil: 3 for the Ontario Normal School of DOI Science and Art, his contribution having possible the purchase of upâ€"toâ€"date equil- Perhaps that was the reason that Mrs. I‘ less did not again ask for his support. Instead she chose to appeal to Sir Vt Macdonald, a wealthy Scottish Canadian elor. Although she had made Sir William quaintance previously, to approach hin money would not be easy. She preparer: carefully for the interview. The little bearded gentleman of st dressed in immaculate black broadclotl ceived his visitor with some restraint. Hoodless presented her facts and made 1* quest without wasting words. Sir \asked many searching questions about iii no of homemaking education for girls gr up on the farms of Ontario. He recall. own boyhood on a farm at Glenaladale. l t- Edward Island. Mrs. Hoodless was persuasive. She t with authority and Sir William was great l- prcssed. Finally he assured her that he u t- terested and advised her to talk this on: n Mr. James W. Robertson, his adviser in t- matters. The results of the interview wet. it better than Mrs. Hoodless had dreamt ll Wiiliam granted her request, not on! ‘| home economics buildings at Guelph. later years he included home economic it making plans for his gift to Macdonalu. lege and to McGill University. He gEUL -- laide Hoodless full credit for bringing t portance of this subject to his attention. Plans for the establishment of the sci i Guelph moved rapidly. Mr. Robertson t » ed negotiations between Sir William in w Ontario government which resulted in [ll 7 ernment accepting in March 1902 “on - conditions" the sum of $175000. A i' l the conditions is quoted as follow: “D L‘ Science for young women â€" To the ct: it they might â€" observe those methotu wI practices which make for good living 1 - pie. clean, well kept, and beautiful ho: r the country.†Dr. Mills, President of the Ontario A. ll" rural College was given the responsibilt it planning and building Macdonald In it where classes would be held, and Mao -l\l Hall, the women’s residence. The schon‘ in to provide for the instruction of young ‘-‘ W“ in Domestic Science and Art; and 10 _ teachers in Nature Study, Manual Try i: HOME nun cow “FFâ€