We n“ .. .‘.LL-«.e-',...~',..._'..a...'. _ 't Port Elgin Women‘s Institute brunch celebrate a seventieth birthday. On the table to the la" of the birthday cake is 0 picture of the first president. Mrs. Donald McTavish. The first secretory-treasurer was Mrs. James Cameron. Front row (left to right) Mrs. Charles Thomas, P.R.O.; Mrs. Gordon Murdock, Dist. Director; Mrs. D. W. Bryce, Isl Vice-President; Mrs. J. D, Huines, Sec.»Treus.; Mrs. Andrew Vogt, Pres.; Mrs. Sylvester Choppell, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Wilmer Ribey, Prov. Ed. Director; Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Pres. Disl. Centre Bruce. The Aging It was suggested that the year's program in- clude some study of how to prepare for old age. physically, economically, SOCially and psy- chologically. On the physical aspect of health as we get old, a doctor or a graduate nurse should be brought in as a speaker or resource person. Considering economic preparation a lawyer might talk about wills. joint annuities and so on to provide for a widow or widower. what it means to give someone "power of at- torney.†The problems of social and psycho- logical preparation for old age could usually be dealt with by especially interested women in the Institute. Services for the Family It was recommended that the Institute might well be the moving spirit to get a Visiting Homemaker Service set up in the community â€" a registry where people in an emergency â€" or for a regular service â€" might apply for do- mestic help. There would be no financial cost to the Institute in this. An enterprising woman could operate the service from her own home. under regulations of the provincial Depart- ment of Welfare. Those who can afford to pay for the help they want do pay for it: the De- partment of Welfare takes care of others, and provides substantial grants. For information on the plan. write to Miss Doris Moore. Superin- tendent, Homemaker and Nursing Services. Ontario Department of Welfare. Parliament Buildings. Toronto. * * iv . In faith and hope the world will disagree But all mankind's concern is charity. Alexander Pope WINTER 1969 It was suggested that Women‘s institutes like other women's organizations “today have a tremendous challenge in two evils that are growing into monsters among us * violence and obscenity: violence especially as we have it in youth groups. obscenity in hooks. the thea« tre and television." It \\l.‘ are concerned tiliout these things we will seek out the host authori~ lies we can ï¬nd to help us ï¬nd how to do something about them. Idnn'l knnu how he is no treetis. I never heard him say: But he‘s got a smile that fits his face And he wears it every day. He sees the good in cverynnc. Their fault he nr-ver mentions; He has it hit of confidence in people's good intentions. If things go wrung he won't complainâ€" ]ust tries to see the joke: He's always finding little ways Of helping other fnlk. No matter if [he sky is grey. You get his point of \-'iC\\‘,, And the clouds begin to scatter And the sun comes breaking through. You'll know him if you meet him. And you’ll find it worth your while Tu cultivate the friendship of The Man Behind the Smile. A u thnr Unknown. 29