Other Committees FINANCE COMMITTEE Mrs. Irvine Ford Mrs. George Reist Mrs. John Rumble INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. Wilbur Laurence Mrs. William Makins Mrs. James Pilkington F.W.I.C. SCHOLARSHIP Miss Helen McKercher Miss Jean Scott Mrs. Everett Small (Past President) Mrs. Austin Zoeller (President) Mrs. William G. Miller (Secretary Treasurer) Mrs. Earle Gibb Mrs. George Meredith Mrs. Lorne Daniel INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP {a continuing committee) Miss Helen McKercher Mrs. Everett Small Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller Mrs. Wm. G. Miller Mrs. R. C. Moffat Mrs. L. G. Lymburner ERLAND LEE FINANCE COMMITTEE (a continuing committee) Mrs. Russell Wise (Chairman) Mrs. H. Allan Dickenson (Secretary) Mrs. L. G. Lymburner, Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Mrs. Everett Small (Chairman) Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller Mrs. William G‘ Miller Mrs. N. Noblitt Mrs. Sam Cawker WOMEN’S INSTITUTE STORY (a continuing committee) Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller, Dr. Ethel Chapman Miss Helen McKercher, Mrs. J. Charlton Mrs. R, C. Walker, Mrs. M. Pardy (Chairman) Mrs. G. Holder (Secretary) Mrs. L. Trivers WINTER I 970 TWEEDSMUIR HISTORIES COMMITTEE Miss Helen McKercher Mrs. Everett Small, Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller, Mrs. William G. Miller, Mrs. R. C. Walker (Curator) Mrs. Arthur McNeer OFFICERS' CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Miss Helen McKerchcr Mrs. Everett Small Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller Mrs. William G. Miller Mrs. Clarence Diamond Mrs. Robert Weber (Secretary Treasurer) CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller Mrs. Everett Small Mrs. Leonard Trivers Mrs. R. G. Purcell Mrs. Clarence Diamond Mrs. Roy Wesllake Mrs. H. Noblitt Senior Director to F.W.I.C. ï¬ Mrs. Austin S. Zoellcr, RR. 2. New Hamburg Junior Directors to F.W.I.C. â€" Mrs. Everett Small, RR. 1. Essex Mrs. Wilbur Lawrence, RR. 1, Embro Alternate: Mrs. Clarence Mann. R.R. 4. Peterbomugh SECRETARY FOR UNITED NATIONS Mrs. R. C. MOfffli. RR. 1. Guelph SECRETARY FOR CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. Irvine Ford. RR. 1. Highgatc HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE CONVENER Mrs. John A. Charlton. 5 Bayly Dr., Paris. * * * Friendship is a fragile thing; A gossamer web, A fairy wing. 44s 11