F.W.|.O. Provincial Board Directors serving second and third year terms with Mr. Stewoï¬ â€" from raw lrom lelt â€" Mrs. Wilmer Ribey; Mrs, Edison Sine; Mrs. George Retst; Mrs. Annie Mulligan; Mrs_ R_ c_ Moftut; Mrs. Arthur McNEely; Mrs. Zoeller: Mr. Stewart; MrS. WM. Makins; Mrs. WIlS°n_J?hns°n; Mrs. John Brown: Mrs. Russell Morrison; Mrs. N. A, Fletcher; Mrs. Frank Tattle,- Mrs. James Pilklngton. Bock raw from left â€" Mrs. David Hamilton; Mrs. Cecil Kellur; Mrs, Lorne Danlel; Mrs. George Meredith,- Mrs. Murray Smith; Mrs. Sam Cuwker; Mrs. Clarence Mann; Mrs. H. Empey; Mrs. Harvey Noblitt; Mrs. John Rumble,- Miss Susan Eller. During September Mrs. E. Lockman. host- ess, had a holiday in Great Britain and Ireâ€" land. The F.W.I.O. auditors reported the num- ber of people who registered at Hoodlcss Home November 1960-Novembcr 1970 was 24,473. From 1965â€"1970 donations of $962.61 received at the home have been sent to Ottawa office, Cultural Activities Report “We. as Women‘s institutes in rural and urâ€" ban Ontario, can be very proud of our cndet- vours and the contributions we have given to the public in so many ways." said Mrs. Irvine Ford. Cultural Activities Secretary for F.W.I.O. Music, choirs, folk singing. talent nights, as- sistance at music festivals. etc. have played an important part in the program. Libraries were assisted financially and by the presentation of copies of Dr, Chapman‘s books and “The Her- itage of Canadian Handicrafts." One display of tcxt books of 100 years ago was an interest- ing highlight as Well as various antique dis- plays. Members attended short courses pro- moting public relations. and crafts; visited art galleries. hobby shows, an Indian cemetery. varied demonstrations; quilted quilts and sold them; participated in competitions and displays at fall fairs; took armchair travels to many parts of the world; assisted Historical Socie- ties: entertained Senior Citizens; gave scholar- ships and bursaries to assist students; and ren- ovatcd an old log house for a museum. 10 United Nations Report Only 79 Women‘s Institute Branches out more than 1300 in Ontario reported hflVll programs on United Nations when they su mitted summaries to United Nations Secretai of F.W.I.O., Mrs. R. C. Moffatt. Son Branches studied various UN. agencies. he International exchange programs with Englii links and exchanged other ideas with Scotlan. Wales, Ireland, Australia, New anland. tt. United States, Isle of Guernsey. India, and A rica. In studying a different country and Ch turc the truth of the motto, “We have not reu ly budgcd a step untiI we have taken up to dcnce in someone else‘s point of view" was I' alized. Mrs. Moffatt urged Women‘s Institutes I study and understand the U.N. and its imml diate problems of pollution of our whole cm ronment, conservation of food and natural r sources and the use and abuse of Arctic an Antarctic waters. “There is great indifferent. to and disbelief in the role of the U.N. in [l world today," quoted Mrs. Moffatt. “We ha‘ idealized the role of the UN. as achicx'ir world peace immediately just as Tennyson dt in 1842 when he wrote “Till the war drun throbbed no longer . . . in the parliament t- man." She outlined briefly programs Of lh United Nations such as the efforts of the F00: and Agricultural Committee to supply the tech “01012.3( that more food may be available it many countries; the efforts to eradicate small pox through programs started in 1957 whereb- HOME AND COUNTR '-