The Junior Women’s Institute Convention lk Abovef“|sn'i that pretty?" Miss Cindy Cordingly, leh Md Muss Ruth Wh‘llehead making crepe paper iluwers 19Pâ€"UHDi-dn'l we do a perfecl iob arranging [his set- “"9? Mlss Clndy Cairns (left) th Mrs. Joan Slewarl, WINTER 1971 Above-â€"Miss Rila Hurdslonc, guru speaker, wilh Miss Margarel Oliphanl discussing "China". Centreâ€"J‘See For yourmH. We really did lind every» thing,“ Mrs. Gary Townsend Hell] and Miss Joyce Wood, sporting items horn the sconuqnqL-r hunl 'lopâ€"From lcfhâ€"Mwss Laurie Maxwell, Min Margaret Oliphonl and Miss Penny Barber wilh lhc Rev. Mr Busby, guest speaker. 19