Nominations Committee for Election of New Provincial President Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller, F.W.I.O. President; Mrs. Everett Small, past president; Miss Helen McKercher, Honorary President; and Mrs. Wm. G. Miller, Secretary Treasurer were named 3 nominations committee to receive nominations for the Provincial President of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario. Nominations must be made not later than July lst, 1971. Nominees will be from those past Board Directors who have completed their term of office 1969â€"1971. Board Direc- tors who are current members of the Provin- cial Board at the time of election and farmer Directors who have completed their terms of office at some time during the previous two years may make nominations if nominee has given permission to allow her name to stand. Officers' Conference Report Mrs. Robert Weber, Secretary Treasurer of Officers‘ Conference presented the report of . the 1970 conference. “The Way It Was". Eight hundred applications were received and of ‘ these 160 cancelled leaving an attendance of 640 Women‘s Institute members from all over the province. These totals represented the larg- est number of applications, the largest number attending and the highest percentage of cancel- lations (25%). WINTER 1971 Directors serving their first year on the F.W.|.O, provincial board with Mrs. Zoeller. From left â€" Mrs. A. E. Darling; Mrs. Cridwyn Lee; Mrs. Verne O‘Hore; Mrs. Emerson Emke; Mrs, Zooller; Mrs. Norman Coum'lafdi Mrs. W'Tl- Mikhail: MFS- DOVid Brown; Mrs. Don MacLachlun; Mrs. Ross Johnson; Mrs. George Burnside. There WL‘rI.‘ ll? registered in Branch Agri- culture and Canadian Industries Convener-s; 168 in Branch Presidents: l9] in members-at- large; and 62 District Federation Representa- tives. Eighteen discussion groups were ar- ranged. Eleven busloads of delegates were taken to the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead. A highlight of the 1970 Conference was the official visit to Ontario of our National President. Mrs. George Clarke, St. John‘s. Newfoundland. The Board accepted the recommendations from the Officers‘ Conference Committee: (I) that We have an Officers' Conference in 1971 at the University of Guelph (2) that dates be April 28 and 29 (3) that pooling fee be $35; and (4) that Officers‘ Conference be for (a) Branch Secretary Treasurers (h) Branch Public Relations Officers (c) Mcmhers-at-largc ld) District Presidents; and to) Area Presidents. Hospitality Renort Mrs. John Charlton. Convener of the F.W.l.0. Hospitality Committee reported no requests from England for arrangements to visit the Hoodless Homestead through F.W.l.0.. had been received since spring. Overseas visitors came with relatives and friends to increase the fall attendance. Ar- rangements were carried out for a visit of dele egates to the Officers“ Conference.