The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Directors, Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, Lambton Hall, University of Guelph By Mrs. Harvey Houston. F.“‘.l.(). Public Relations Officer. The Semiâ€"Annual Meeting of the Directors of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario took place in the King Edward Sheraton Hoâ€" tel. Toronto, from April 2-6. 1973. Mrs. Harvey Noblitt. President. welcomed the Directors attending. expressed regret that Mrs. A. E. Darling of Bracebridgc was unable to attend because of illness but welcomed her alternate, Mrs. Walter Templeton of Halo. Sor- row was expressed for the family of the late Mrs. N. Sinclair of Fort Frances. who passed away early in the spring. Mrs. Sam Kaski. al» ternate for Mrs. Sinclair. attended the Spring Meeting and will now serve as Director for Sub Division 32. Director Mrs. Marion Kloetstra of the Junior Women's Institutes was present but Mrs. Carolyn Skulj was unable to be present because of the recent birth of Baby Heather. THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mrs. Nohlitt Early in December, 1972. after our Annual Meeting. Miss McKerchcr and I had the pleasâ€" ure of meeting, in Guelph. most of the thirty- one recipients of our Anniversary Year Mac- Donald Institute Scholarships. Wc had the proud feeling that we were helping to further the education of these fine young women when we presented the awards. As a Senior Member of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario. I attended three meetings of the Advisory Group on Citi- zen information and feed-back. This group was formed by the Management Board of Cabinet for the Committee of Government Productivity. The concern of this committee is to consider. on the basis of many [:1le force reports, the best and most economical meam of reaching the public with government infor- mation and getting feedback from them. The Erland Lee Home Committee has had several meetings and many informal disâ€" cussions for making decisions necessary for making renovations and furnishing the home. Since our Annual Meeting. 1 have had the pleasant duty of attending and bringing greet- SUMMER 1 973 mp on into helmll‘ at special tllllli\‘|.‘l'hll.l'lL‘\ .tl Comhcrmcrc iii the Ottawa Area. Muplc in ('cntrul Area. and Warsaw in the I rent Valley area. I would .‘u this point like to Hpress my ape precinlion to Mrs. Armstrong oi the l".\\’.l.0, oll’ice tor the main hour» ol work she put in when Mrs. Miller and l uch making arrange; mentx l'or lhme people wanting to attend the l".\\-’.l.(‘. (‘onl‘crenee in lianll. A large amount ol correspondence is at- tended to in my home, To \lltll up my activi- licx’. l mun \ll) that l have had a busy and ex~ citing mid “inter period hetnecn our Annual and Henri-Annual Meetings. To all who helped in the :nlvancement ol' the Women's Institute work * Miss MeKereher, Mn. loellcr. Mrs. Miller. er. .'\l‘l'tl\ll't\ll|_l. Mrs. Houston. Mrs. l‘ardy and till the llnitltl Directors. 1 \;r_\' thaan FROM 'I'lll“. SIK‘IHCI s\ll\"$ IU‘LI'OR'I‘ Mrs. \‘Vrn (u Mlller Since the Spring \lccttng ol the Board [)1» rectors ol the Federated Women‘s Institutes o1 (intano \\‘.t\ held In the early part of April in stead ol in the last neck of that month. only an inlcl‘im report can he issued at this lllllt‘. \unther ul Branches LPâ€. Ntnnher ol Menihels "LHUI, Ntlmhet' or i llL' \lcmhcra 25m. Monev donated Ior .-\('\\’\\’ Sam: Stein “0334.15. * i i' I.\MI'N 1 met .I «ranger Ill the night \V'hme lamp h.ul ((ulu‘tl to \lllnt' l paused .tnd ll'l hint lighr llis lamp lrunt il'llllt‘. .\ [CIIIFL‘VI sprang up later rm .-\nd shrink Illl’ “‘Hflll illniul And when the “ind W.†gone My lam 1 was out. lint l).lt ' to un- thc stranger raun- llis lamp was ulnu‘ill}: line _ I He held the pretinus [lame and lighted mine. Author unknown. * i iv