Meet the Secretaries Miss Margaret Roberts. Secretary to Miss Helen McKercher. Director. Home Economics Branch Mrs. Sid Armstrong, FWlO office Secretary Mrs Wm. G Miller, Secretary~Treasuren FWIO Mrs Fiobt. B. Weber, SecretaryeTreasurer. Officers' Con- ference Mrs. Flora Purdy. Secretary to the Minister 0/ Agriculture and Food. The Hon. Wm A. Stewart MISS MARGARET ROBERTS Although born and raised in the City of Toronto she became aware of the problems and interests of farmers when working for the Federation of Agricul- ture at head ofï¬ce in Toronto. Her observation is that since the General Farm Organization vote. the role of the Federation changed and there is a greater input by the farmers into the Federation. This organization now speaks with a much stronger voice on behalf of Agriculture. Her ï¬rst work with the Ministry was as Secretary to Miss Jean Scott. Supervisor of Junior Extension. This was her ï¬rst introduction to the work of the 4â€"H Homemaking Clubs and the great amount of organi- zational work which must be done in the ofï¬ce in orâ€" der to have the club program run smoothly. When Miss Iona Winterburn retired as Miss McKercher‘s secretary. she was appointed secretary to the Director of the Home Economics Branch. She ï¬nds her work stimulating and a new experience, with the work divided between the Ministry and the Women‘s Institute. Her knowledge and understanding of the work of Women's Institutes was very limited but now she feels a closeness to the organization through the correspondence and telephone conversations. There always is a certain amount of routine in any ofï¬ce but the varations are great and there is no dull- ness to working as Miss MeKercher‘s secretary. Miss Roberts ï¬nds that having had the experience of work- ing with Miss Scott in the 4-H program has helped her a great deal in this job, Margaret will tell you that one of her interests is making “crafty things." This is evident when you see 18 the wall hanging of orange and yellow felt above her desk in the ofï¬ce. Crocheting. needlepoint and kn“, ting are also favourites. A course in Interior Design helped her to gm. her apartment that personal touch. Although apanmem living gives little opportunity for gardening she cum“ growing things and recently had a coffee [th \p'e. ciallv made so it will hold flower pots. giving it. .m a sunken look because of the holes in the top .. the table. Margaret is an outdoor girl. enjoying bicyclin .md travel. Last year she holidayed in Great Britaii und one of her stops was a visit to the Royal Welsh : mg The Women‘s Institute had a large tent dispi "1E crafts. table settings on various themes, and she icï¬ brought a few publications home for the Lou LI. brary. Margaret has worked with youth, having Ien Er. plorers and C.G.I.T, groups. She will tell you, 5!. an. joys people of all ages. MRS. SID ARMSTRONG Mrs. Armstrong is on the staff of the Hom~. co. nomies Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agricultur 1nd Food. and is responsible for the day to day rout A of the ofï¬ce of F.W.I.0. Helen joined the Women’s Institute in 1941. the time when the Scarborough Junction Juniors err seeking permission to become a Senior Branch its. Mary H. Graves, (a Board Director and on one the ï¬rst Home and Country Committees) assisted th-r ll'l- iors. and the senior Branch was formed and ren ted the Mary H. Graves Women’s Institute. Mrs. Armstrong’s ï¬rst olï¬ce in the Branch in auditor. over the years she has held rnost ofthe 0 :es. including Secretary Treasurer and President. At ’15- trict level she served as Secretary Treasurer for ca years as well as Historical Research Convener the was the ï¬rst Secretary of York County Rally whc fie ï¬ve districts of York joined together for the purpt' of presenting a scholarship and to enjoy a get tog: let. At Area level she served six years as Reservation ec- retary and another six as Secretary. 1950 was thi: trsl year she attended Central Area Convention ant ms not missed since. She has attended FWIC Conven tits in Ottawa. Vancouver and Guelph. The ACWW Conference held in Toronto in t 33. Helen and her Branch members were the India; in the pageant “Dominion of Destiny.†She and her Is- band also attended the Lansing Conference. Scarborough Junction Village has changed *\ ICE the second world war and the family farm now i he corner of Eglinton and Birehmount. Mrs. Armstro- :15 a keen photographer and has a collection of slide» 16- picting the changes in this area where she grew up 11- tended school and still resides. For relaxation she enjoys needlepoint and -.m‘ broidery as well as cooking and trying new recipv". If you would like to know the history of Toronto- just take a ride with Helen and she‘ll point out the landmarks and Show you the changes.