ASSISTANCE FOR CONVENORS (continued from page 15) Nutrition is important to all. Too 'lIItIIIy tamilies spend too much money on non»nutr1uonzil fomdi Try to have a short but interesting report zit every meeting. Only bv being persistent can we ohttuu results. Let us he more selective in our reporting. Try to group things that are similar togctlter. selecting only ilie outstanding ones for special mention. ASSISTANCE FOR CONVENERS OF CITIZENSHIP AND WORLD AFFAIRS Mrs. John Herniansen. Convener To Branch Conveners: Study your Handbook and the Winter Home and Countri |973 t‘or suggested topics of study. Lists ol’ addresses" tbr information uere also given. Cm er .i new topic this year in Citizenship and UlIC‘llI World Adltirs. Do not in to cover both in one meeting â€" this is an impossibility. Have your program. motto. roll ctill and music till co-ordtnaled. Report to your District Contener promptly after your Annual Meeting. To District Conveners: Have a workshop or meeting with all your Branch Conteners to plan and assist. Reports should he rc~ ceiyed by you at the end of April. ll' some reports are missing it is your DUTY to ask for them. Send your reports to your Area ('ortyener promptly alter your District Annual Meeting. Please include highlights of the Branch programs and District activities. To Area Conveners: Your duties are outlined in the Hztndhook. Become l'ti- miliar with them, Be prepared to aid your District Convencrs. Meet with them at least once a year. but do keep in touch with information sent you by your Pl’OVlI‘lClfli Convener. District reports should reach you immediately after District Annuals. If you do not re~ ceive them all. then it is your responsibility to write for them. An incomplete report sent in by you onl\ re- ï¬ects‘ on your work as Convener. Your reports should he in promptly. do not wait Lintil alter your Area Conâ€" vention to send your reports to your Provincial ('on- vener. Include in your report the highlights of meet- ings. discussions. workshops. and any information thtit you think will be beneï¬cial to other Branches. Piease give comments or suggestions for changes when re. porting at your Convention. Pass along to \our Dis- tricts any material which is sent you b\ the Provincial Convener. itjust might be missed in Home and Coun- try by the Branches. Comments: 1. Establish a regular meeting with conveners at each level â€" c.g. Area with District: District with Branches. to discuss. evaluate and work out elfective action. . Workshops are excellent. Here problems can be solved and changes made which will result in better programs. Strive for 100‘? reporting. 4. Report promptly and correctly. everyone has a deadline. ’ I.) Ls.) 24 ASSISTANCE FOR CONVENERS m; AGRICULTURE AND CANADIAN INDUsr Mrs. F. Wittty. Convener Brunch Convent-rs Inletise read Item l2. Page l2 of your Hilnlihtlllk' RIES i District Conveners All BanCh reports should be in your hands tutti“...n the Branch Annual Meeting. 5 ‘ See page 3|. item I] of your Handbook Please send your report to Area Conveners Fromm al‘ter District Annual. Bi: sure to state the minnow, Branches in District and number reporting. Art-ii C onvcners All District reports should be received imr: hitch zit‘ier District Annual. Your report should h. «onliil " the Provincial Convener no later than Octol. N To All C onveners Correct reporting is important. all reports slv id ht. gin with the name of Area. District or Brunt. \m and address of Convener reporting and ol'a l . (ft-in. vener. il‘ replaced. Program Suggestions As a project at the F.W.l.0. level. we suggr pm a grtim on Health and Nutrition for the Com tcdt Programs including production and marketu .nulh» ods. Consumer interest and Pollution can we it into this study. Other topics for programs .i- (in. servation. Natural Resources. Labour and [{t tmtti and Organizations who promote rural living ASSISTANCE FOR TWEEDSMUIR HIS ‘Ri‘ CURATORS Mrs. R. C. Walker, Curator As our communities disappear through 3mm] . government. provincial planning. developing or}: i etc. our Women‘s Institutes should feel respt: rile in ‘ preserve for posterity in Canadian History tl ‘ccord . ot'the lite and work ot‘our local people and li‘ iill‘lgi . that have occurred. Reporting at each level is steadily imprm l. but we still need a bit more balance. Branch Curators report: Name of Report Name of Branch and District Name of curator. with address and postal co. Name of successor (with same) Whether compiling a Tweedsmuir History of t .ilnlU- l'lll)’ or Record Book. and a Brief summary of work done during year Ending her report with recommendations as a “ml for coming year Two copies are made District Curator repons: Name of Report Name of District Name of curator. address and code Name of successor with same Number of Branches in District