mployment in a fabric shop it's a real tempta- 1. buy material. r r parents are dairy farmers. so outdoor sports I to her especially snowmobiling and skating. g interest her too and at present she is hurt} mak- owmen from starched string. Joan Patrick. York n honour student all during high school. she uated from Cayuga Secondary School as an 0n- Scholar. She is in her ï¬rst year at the Universitt' elph in the College of Family and Consumer ies and plans to major in Consumer Studies t\ ith ' asis on Clothing and Textile.» ‘» he has no deï¬nite plans after graduation. Baking _- sewing are her hobbies with hopes to take up lework. loan has never been at 4-H member however Mrs. id: is along time member ofWinonu Women't ln- qn branch. Karen Robinson. Lake-ï¬eld aren has completed nine units “1th the Selwtn Homemaking Club and 5 he really enjoyed _ , “They were undoubtedly a contributing litetor it y decision to go into the ï¬eld of Home Economies they are also proving beneï¬cial with nt_\ entities." Completing her ï¬rst semester til the Ul'llVL'l'wlU ot' elph in a Family Studio). major which will lend to ti - Se. Karen has not made a deï¬nite decision after duration. After completing the course at Guelph \ltL' ‘ ht go on to the University of Toronto and get her helor of Education degree and teach secondnr) 001 or go into extension work its tl Count} Home nomtst. t Sewing. crocheting and other related hundterttt'ts .upy her spare time. illstt cooking. reading. indoor d outdoor sports as. a spectator or competitor Mary Atkinson. Barrie Graduated from Eastview Seenndtir} Seltnnl itntl ‘ ile there was a Prefect for three years and pmth ‘sketball for a year. it is interesting to knit“ that ill- ough Mary was tln "academic" \he “on several -izes in typing and shorthand. Both Mary and her mother l‘eel llltll working It] has been time well spent and "one gains tttnre an one gives." Mary hats ltl projects to her credit and r mother has lead six clubs. Mrs. Alhtanln hm und these young people to be challenging. interâ€" ting and keenly aware ot‘the 4-H motto Lind pledge. Mury lives just outside the en} of [lame in the idst of a winter and summer [L‘L'I’L'ulltlntll .tren and r the past two summers has been employed h} the eorgiun Foundation for the Performing Arts Presenth enrolled til the University of (inelph In 6 Applied Human Nutrition ('tttlrst‘ ~he finds the od projects from 4-H moat htlt’tllllL'lill. r Mttry has not deï¬nitely decided on her career .irter aduation. however. with emphtms on food and {'u- adinn food supplies in such demand. \hL‘ hoptw to w ake a contribution in some litrnt in the ï¬eld of Ap- lied Human Nutrition. In this: “my Slur} xii)». "I ope to really fulï¬ll the 4-H pledge." t Mrss Patriot] Tfelftt’ttr‘t it.» trolra wtnmv of the l-‘t‘tttl/tl Futchw Ontario t'ltvrwn s institute Scholarship . l-t 1.. - i. Miss Jane! Wanless. Phelps~ ton. Winner of the Florence P Eadie. Ontario Women‘s Institute Scholarship Janet “unless She is In her ï¬rst _\' .tt Slieritlntt ('ollege ltl \nt- mutton. Janet \tlrts, "It !\ it three _\ t'uurw and [Lu become A pioneer an the .tlltlll.tlt.‘\l lilm itttltistit in (‘unudtL Ihi: ettilrxe Utllttll\ ti \ttttlt t‘l llltllltttl. ntllt'lt drtmtng. Iilttt making lL‘L‘lltlltltlL‘K .intl .1 good tllltlt'l winding of art t‘ \llllt'\|:_:ll ll Import-x much PTLTL‘ISL' :tittl tletaiilcd will the |L'\l|ll\ .tl'L' lam n.1ting." She has eonipleled thirteen -l-ll llUtttctlhlettlt' Units. ttn .tNKINlttlll t'lttlt lender. on \lllllt‘lll ttllllltll .tnd whtml neuspnper tlllll l‘ untilth int httitlt \\t||l Mr‘s. thnlehx has been Secretttr) nl' Iter lirtttttlt. l‘.l{ t). .lllLl held mritith t t|Il\t‘llt'l\lll]l\ .it lir.iiitli .ttttl Dhtnel, Ptttrieiu l'retlteney She is it student ‘.tl lllt’ l‘tttterxttt or (Ilit‘lpll win pitting her “\L‘Cttlltl whit-slut .it the ( tillt'g- Ill l .Illtll.ttttl ('ttnxttmer Sttttltex. III the «\ppltutl lllllllttlt \tlllt tItIn Course. l’.ttritt.t it.» Lutttplett'tl \Ixtet'n -l-Il lltllllt'\tt'l;' ('ltllt protons tl\ not] .I\ p.ttlittp,ttirt;.- Ill HHI \t'tittil lllttll prtv_|L'L'l\. and lt.t\ LilNPl-HCtl lL‘JlllL‘l'\llll‘ Ltl‘lltl‘t llt her ('1th mvrlt er. l'rethewey has held various utlitu iiteltitlinp l'rexidenl til >\tlttitttt “mitt-it’x llthlltllL‘ .llltl l\ .tl\tt .l ~l>l| llumentnluny t ltth lender |’.ttrtei.i'~ hope lot the future I\ in \turl1 mtlt tun-l to wine \I‘IL‘UJlI/L'tl llL'ltl Ontario Women's ln~titute Seltolurvhlps ltvur [)Nrttt. ( t‘lllll\ nr \rm Ntltulnttliitw \\L'lt.' |.Il|- tied ht the lll'tt\lllthll llmt‘tl lmettt-h :\ll tire ()llltll'llt Wuntert'x ltl‘nlllltlt‘ Siltulnrxlttpx lltt' :‘tlguntn l)l\ll’lt.l. l ill} l'eth. um unit In \lm | mil: Mmltel‘. RR 2. Iron lllltlt'c. lllL' | .ixt \urlltttirlltt'tl.ttttl l)l\lFlL‘l Scholarship b} Mtw Sltnrutt RUNC KR ‘i. ( Ivl borne. llte Ultw l)C\lllt.'\ Wot \urlltutnhetlmtl I)†lflL‘l Seliultirwhtp. \lIHN Kntlit Stephen. RR l. l‘lttlilr more: l'TIIKL‘\\.ll't.l (Uttlllt. \ll\\ Anne lmter. RR U. l’ieturt 1.;