FEDERATED WOMEN’S INSTITUTES 0F ONTARIO PRICE LIST FWIO Badge (oval) .............................................................. FWlO Junior Badge ................................................... 4,50 FWIC Badge (square)... .75 ACWW Badge (green) ............... 6.50 Branch Life Member’s Badge . Board Director‘s Badge ................ ................... 5,00 Attaching District Bar to Branch Life Member 5 Badge ...... 5.50 Sterling Silver Coffee Spoon with W.|. Crest ....................... W.|. Cup and Saucer ............................................................ Not available before July 1, 1974 Rubber Stamp with W.l. Crest .............................................. 2.50 Cuts of Crest (for printing) 3%: x1 inch ‘l'/2 x 21/2 inches on loan only 21/2 x 4 inches Printed W.|. Gummed Crests non-perforated (3 sizes as above) .................................................................. Each .01 Embossed blue and gold Gummed Crests ......... roll of 100 1.50 Pattern of WI. Crest in 3 sizes: 6 x 9 inches 12 x 18 inches Set of 3 ....... 1.00 16 x 27 inches W.|. Crest Folded Hastiâ€"Notes with envelopes: (10) 1.00 Portrait of Mrs. Hoodless â€" 5 x 7 inches ............................ 1.15 â€"7x9inches ............. .. 1.65 Set of 3 Prints ....................................................................... .10 (Mrs. Hoodless. Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir and The Foreword) Mary Stewart Collect ............................................................ .50 Dr. Ethel Chapman‘s Book â€" “Humanities in Homespun" (paper cover) ................................................................ 2.00 (cloth cover) ..... 3.50 Ontario W.|. Story ................................................................. 3.00 The above may all be ordered from the F W l 0 Office Filth Fl _ . .. . , oor. 1200 Ba Street, Toronto, Ontario M5R 2A6 â€" but no COD. orders, please. y As these articles are sold at cost to our - mem Charged here. no sales tax Will be Make all cheques and money orders payable to the Federated Women‘s Instiâ€" tutes of Ontario. and not to an for payment. y person. Please do not send postage stamps The largest size W.l. cut may be borrowed b . PW Charges both ways. y a Bram“ 0†Paymenl of shlp- DUE TO RISING COSTS â€" PRIC “ TWE WITHOUT NOT‘CE-H E CHANGES WILL BE EFFEC-