The Annual Meeting of the Federated Women’s utes of Ontario met at the King Edward Hotel. Vonto. November 261h-30th. 1973. Mrs. Harvey L. blitt, Provincial President, Ottawa. presided for the k long sessions. After the opening exercises. the . e new Board Directors were introduced. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Perhaps the largest number of meetings since the t Annual Board Meeting have been in regard to the and Lee Home as this has been a year of real activ- n, in that area. Those who were at the Ofï¬cial Open- ' of the Home on August 9, will have been able to ess for themselves. to some extent. the great 4;» ount that has been accomplished there in the past r. The committee was exceedingly pleased with the nderful response by way of money donated and ar- es presented to the Erland Lee Home by Women’s titute members all over the Province. We are exâ€" mely grateful for all the cooperation given. It is a e example of what can be accomplished when all rk together on a project. We will continue to need in full co-operation and support. The Ofï¬cers‘ Conference, held at the University of aterloo was very successful from all reports. Mrs, eber, Secretary Treasurer, gives a great deal of time at: eifort to Ofï¬cers†Conference and does an excel- Ontario delegates attended the Federated '3 omen's Institutes of Canada Convention in Banff in l e. Ontario delegates will feel a real debt of grat- _5 dc to Mrs. W. G. Miller, Provincial Secretary, for all er patience and eiï¬ciency with travel arrangements. Mrs. Betty Lynn. Information Branch. Ontario a: 'nistry of Agriculture and Food. assisted in pre- aring Ontario's contribution to the Provinces’ presen- ». ion of the program 0 to 10 from 10 at the Baan » onvention. It was a taped commentary with slides of 'ur accomplishments through the anniversary year â€" , e Erland Lee Home. anniversary celebration. publiâ€" tion of the W.I. Story. the anniversary project for :t acdonald Institute and the Oï¬'icers’ Conference. I had the privilege of attending and speaking at it he W.I. Celebrations. several being anniversary cele- rations. As well I opened one anniversary tea. wel- med a group of visitors from Manitoba at an eve- ‘ng celebration and unveiled a plaque at a 60th nniversary celebration. Because of conflict with Conâ€" â€˜ï¬ entions. I was not able to welcome the group ofNew- oundland ladies who were entertained by some ofthe i omen’s Institute members of Guelph and London -- reas during September. It was a special pleasure to be able to attend four istrict Annuals this year and speak at them. The late Mrs. Henderson, an Area Vice-President, 'indly attended two functions for me and Mrs. Alle- Annual Meeting Provincial Board Directors Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Mrs. Harvey Houston, Public Relations Ofï¬cer mang attended the Jr. Women’s lnstitute’s Fall Con- ferertce in October. Certainly one of the most memorable events of the year for me was the Provincial State Dinner given by the Lieutenant Governor for the Queen and Prince Philip on June 26. 1973. to which my husband and l were invited. It was a wonderful privilege to attend as a representative of an organization that was deemed worthy to be invited. From September I0 to 14. I attended the A.C.W.W. Council Meeting in London. England, then followed the fourteen Area Conventions in September. October and November. It is gratifying to see the increased en- thusiasm at Conventions. not only in the functioning of the organization itself. but also in crafts. drama and original writing. I would like to congratulate all those who used their ï¬ne talents and entered the A.C.W.W. competi- lions. On October 31 Miss Scott. Miss McKercher. Dr. Janet Wardlaw. Dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph, and i chose the six winners for the Ontario Women's lnstitute’ Awards. I was happy along with Miss McKercher and Miss Scott to present the cheques and certiï¬cates to the winners on your behalf at a luncheon at the Uni- versity on November 15. It has been a year packed with stimulating and. I believe. worthwhile activities. As always the success of every endeavour is the result of the sincere and dedi- cated eï¬brts of many people at Branch. District and Area. ofthe Board Directors. the Provincial Executive and many on the 5th floor of 1200 Bay Street. OFFICERS’ CONFERENCE Mrs. Robt. B. Weber reported on the 25th Oï¬icers’ Conference. stating the delegates were pleased with the facilities at the University of Waterloo. There were bus tours to the Erland Lee Home. and most delegates had three full days at the Conference. (Complete coverage in Summer 1973 issue of Home and Country.) 1974 OFFICERS' CONFERENCE will be held on April 30. May 1-2. at the University of Waterloo. reg- istration commencing April 30 at 12 noon. Pooling Fee 7 $45.00 DISCUSSION GROUPS BRANCH LEVEL First choice â€" Presidents or â€" Resolutions Convener or â€" Members at Large DISTRICT LEVEL Resolutions Conveners AREA LEVEL Resolutions Conveners