HELENA FEASBY SING CANADIAN FOLK SONGS embers of the Helena Feashy Women's Institute I rloo North District) “went back to school" when Eby. music consultant with the Waterloo Region . of education. was speaker at a recent meeiing. iss Eby considers that “music is another tari- ‘~ # the ear must be trained its well as the eve .ind . ind." She demonstrated. using the ti‘istitute hers as her class. how music is taught in the pri- grades. ' e discussed the merits and methods ot's‘cvcni] in. ‘ ional programs and members responded by itflg‘ rid keeping the heat with triangles. tambourines Iglockenspiels. e program ended with Miss Eh} leading in the : g of Canadian folk songs. OSTRANDER W.l. UNIQUE PROJECT .4 ears ago the members made HID Easter eggs. This their goal is 2.000. Supplies that go into the mak- v. re purchased by a member and then all gather to- er for the big doo. It's a rewarding time in many _ they have fun while working. ï¬nélnCIJlI) it‘s .i 55 and even some nonâ€"members help. SELWYN W.l. PROGRAM i all call â€" exchange of recipes from another - try: Motto â€" “All aboard! with a cookbook for a port. let's travel round the world," Program g of “Use of Recipes". Display of cookbooks ITt‘tl'll it round the world. samples or cheese from various i tries. A slide presentation of overseas countries pleted a worthwhile program. "THIS IS AUSTRALIA“ ite School W.l. Already the Branch hate en- d the ï¬rst meeting. learning more about the Coun- Women's Association ol~ Australia. At the second ting the members were divided into four groups i worked their way through various stops. They ex- ned a map of Australia made for tourists WhlL‘h ed many points at interest. places to stay and gs to do. The next stop. was to browse through tralian magazines and periodicals. The members 'ded they were equal to ours and appeared to eon- : less advertising. The Women's magazmes high- ted crafLs. antiques and columns for the lovelorn. ' l. a Stop at the newsstand to examine and compare c Australian" to the “Toronto Star". Shopping 3 two page Australian food ad. it was noted with n'se how much cheaper food was. Familiar names l as Kleenex. Kraft and Ajax proved anew that the Id isjust a global village. IMAGINATIVE MEETINGS LUNCH WITH [ADV TWEEDSMUIR Mrs. W. H. Graham. Greenhiink \\'.l. member. had lunch with lad) Tneedsinuir .it Hill House. Bur- ford, England. I..id_\ 'I'ueeds’nitiir. ntllCI)-l\\‘t1. ni.titi- t.iins .i keen interest in .ill things (linaditiii, .iiid nus L‘SPCL‘IilII) interested to hear about the progress of the 'I‘o’eeds'nitiir Histories. In Britain. she pointed out. the gathering and col» leeting ot‘ such local material has proved to he \‘tlIIl- tlI’IIL' source material for historians and she e\pressed the hope it was providing this same need in Ontario. Lady Toeedsititiit stressed collecting and Identi- tying old photographs of people .iiid pliiees. She hoped this thought was being encouraged hi our Ioml euratoh .-\ delightful eon\‘ers;rtion.rlo‘t \iitli .tn .iniiiiated pcnuiiulit). It “as evnleiit she still reels close to Cati- add and the Women‘s litstiliites iii particular A ONE-DAY TRIP TO REMEMBER Buekhom W.I. Itdtit'tiltontil .iiid ('tiltiittil Activities Convener showed slides on travel across t'iiiiiidii ‘illltl presented them in a now] tut) As CttL‘ll \Itth was shimn representing set-tier). .iri historical hiiiidiiig. .iii object. ete.. the eomener told it It‘“ tarts. ILHL' .i elite. and the members store to write down nth.“ “my thought the picture represented l‘iiitits were given [or correct answers. II‘lIl’l)-II\C slides mm: shown lot .i powth IUt) points. The slide presentation proved to he .1 fun int-cling as well as learning more about ('iinudii, MEI-IT THE QUEEN Dorchester W.I.'s were treated to .i presentation iil‘ "Meet the Queen". ML and Mn Seliwah ot Dorehes- ler attended a luncheon in honour of Her Mint-sly and Prince Philip in London Ontario. last year Mrs Sehwah told about 1he netting and lovely day. The meeting continued by it presentation of the “W IV» in England". Mrs. Douglas I-Ithhard. a WI memhcrol' Blaekdown in Dorset County. spoke iil‘the role institutes play in England While vistttng in ()n- tariu she has spoken to many branches and is hopeful of providing Ontario Institutes thh link branches in England. Any interested Women's Institute» Wishing to obtain it linlt with a hranch in Dorset may contact Mrs Ruswll Martin. RR 3. Dorehestcr. Ontario and she will pass the name on to Mrs. Hibhard. 23