The report should include (see page 31 Hand- book). ' ' Present your report at District Annual meeting in Ma . immediately send a copy to Area Convener after District Annual. Area Corwener â€" _ Since you should receive the District reports imme- diately after District Annuals you should start to corn» pile your Area report. The report should include (see page 4] Hand- book). Present your report at Area Convention but do not wait until then to forward it on [0 the Provincial Con- vener, It should reach her no later than October 1. Programme Suggestions â€"â€" Further study on food prices. the cause of high prices. how to cope with them. and how to buy more wisely. Our National Convener has asked me to report any meetings you might have on this topic. Kindly write directly to me if you have any suggestions or re- sults. The Metric System: Land Use â€" make your views known locally. What do the WI members think can be done to improve the world food situation. :15 the rich countries become richer and the poor countries be» come ptiiirer‘.’ Discuss the efTecl of strikes on our envi- rorinient RESOLUTIONS Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller. Convener The Voice of the Women‘s Institute 'l'hrough Resolutions Thirty-two resolutions were sustained til the W74 Arcgi ('onvuntions. Tvm emergency resolutions were also sustained. one each at London and Central Area ('onvcntiiins Both were lost ill the Annual Board meeting. Feedback from ()fï¬cers' Conference ('onseners letirned the value ol‘ research and Proper wording; the importance ol' knowing the pres- ent legislation when proposing resolutions to govern- iiienl Mun) ('oiiveiiers stressed the eil'ecliveness of working with the Branch ('onveners :is It District Com- iiiitlce Aecuriiplishnieiits tit Brunch level local communities henelitted through Brunch t‘cqttc\t\ to ('otineils for stop signs. no parking signs; better road iiitiiiileniince; tree removal; recycling proj- ects. paper dines. Many briels were presented rc- qucstiity Ioctil changes. Suggestions for Study Sl1t\\\lll|lhll\'lil“\ Lind stilet): should hiiiiscwises be eligible for ('tiiiadn l’ClhlitnI concern for the (‘tinadiun littlt.iit: child care: property lll\\'. Papers and Discussions t'iti/ciisliip Itiw; use Lind misuse ol‘ fluoride in drinking \V-‘llltfl'l court eases discriminating against “'UI‘IIL‘IL A piilicl discussion resultingI "Iii go out tin the H limb because that‘s where the leaves, flowers and [mm are." Exhibits literature, and visual aids are impomm 10 any meeting and all are encouraged to have “some_ thing extra“ at your meeting. Meetings were held which created enjoyment while learning. debates on such subjects as “mini-skirtsâ€. “that rural women have the advantage over urban women", “that the gum, market is preferable to your friendly grocery 5mm" Roll Calls â€" Dig up the facts. there’s room rm doubt; something that bothers me at public mECllflEï¬. Mottoes # Are you going places or just lung taken. One of the reports stated that Branches in. Just now becoming interested in this eonvenership; an :im said reports are greatly improved over last year and ï¬nally “We are resolving to THINK more abou this Convenership.“ ASSISTANCE FOR RESOLUTIONS All About Resolutions Why a Resolution: To express the opinions of the FWIO To request a change To beneï¬t the majority Types of Resolutions: Provincial Local Emergency When Can A Resolution Be Formulated? If Provincial or Local â€" At a Branch Meetin lf Ari Emergencyâ€"At a District Annual ! -l branch At an Area Convention a Branch or District By a Branch through a B Director c. Where Does A Resolution Go If Sustained At Br: h Level? II‘ Provincial â€" To the District â€"- Area â€" Pro citil lt‘ Local â€" send directly to proper authority lt‘ Emergency â€" to Provincial President Duties of Conveners: Branch â€" Handbook â€" l2â€"69â€"71 District â€" Handbook â€" 27-31-67-69-71 Area â€" Handbook â€" 36-37-40-41-59-67â€"69â€"7I Memo â€" Area Converters â€" Mail written report~ Provmmal Convener by October 1 and sustained it luiiuns (properly signed and dated) immediately ail your Area Conventions. DISPOSITION OF RESOLUTIONS _ At the Semi-Annual meeting in 1974 ten resoi iions were sustained. ln addition. one resolution Si: ported the CAC safety school bus standards: a “5301 iion requesting a change in life memberships \turned over to the Constitution Committee: No I '