Remember when Mother had a few chickens and she bought li‘tL‘ "extras" for the house and the children. We all know she: ted the grain from "Dad‘s Uranars‘" and he bought the bag of grit While at "if feed store. Et'crs morning thcs uch lctoul to roam the barn yard and ï¬elds and at night locked iip so thcs would come to tin harm. Chickens didn't seem so sophisticated in those dass or max be it “as the people. A ' Never mind. many a music letszmn was paid for. and the cum qtiartcr to spcttd at the Fall Fair came from Mother's secret hiding spot. thc sugar huts]. She .il\\a\s put some of the egg money then: for safe keeping and for a ï¬lm) da}. I On a special day when company was coming. one of the hens that isas'n't laying too well often provided a meal. Dad kept a spcctal block for rust such occasions and the hen was laid on the block. With hatchet in hand and a qiituls wrist action mun:- merit oï¬'camc‘biddy‘s“ head and she often flopped around nh‘l'lk‘nlill'li). licadlcss. Times have changed and I guess Wt.‘ wouldn't want it an) other \\a_\. Our life style. our way of life and our needs have changed. We hear about the liberated woman and thc liberated soucts! What do \H.‘ want for equality â€" not above or below but equal. if we can ass our hands or brain and talents equally why not receive equal pay. recognition. Job opportunities? There is no doubt that our status has changed during the last liL’L‘llliL', and “ill naver be the same again. Our mlt: has and continiics to change 7 \sc'rc iiimcd from the stereotypes "just a housewife" hciond tht: “second class L'Ill/L'll" to living our own person and doing our own thing. We're free â€" for what’.‘ It seems we have aimed toward fulfillment and cqiialit} of “titt'tdtl, In tilt! at- tempt-to be our own person do we ever give any thought to thc family itst'll What has happened to thc famii) unii’.’ The Mother who fed the chickens and did some outsidu clinics “its no lcss ii pur- son: she didn't think too much ahotit whether she was equal or not. her unit thought was to do her hcst for her family. She had a strong t'ccltrig ul' I‘L'llil'lgllly. nl 'her tie to nature. her main concern was to ustahlish basic feelings of trust. of living herself without having to measure up or he csactlt like \IlttICUllL' L'IsL', Have we forgotten the value oftht: family unit in the 705'? Is it not important to recognize the interdependenrics of families and thr- individual. of l'aniilius and tin- community. of the interplay of people and things'.‘ When we strive for equality we must beware that we do not lose our sctisc ot hu- ionging. We must be mindful and alert to the danger that “'scll" might ht‘t’nl'llt‘ itinst important, This. of coursc. is not to say that every woman who works ntitsidc lllL‘ home suddenly forgets all about home. Far from it. It L‘Itllid cwii tncrcasc llll.‘ awareness. to belonging and believing in the family unit. Today when we work for "ihosc cxtrus". what is our aim? to give our l'aimlius things: to prove we can do something for them? \Vhalcvcr it is. Ivt its not ever suh- stitute ourselves and our love for worldl) possessions. Our aim and philosoph) is to keep the family unit strong. and to cununuc to hcliuvc that then- is a placc for the “family†in today‘s world. This might VCr) well he one of our iduas for a program for a Branch mcéting during international Women's Year ~ litL' I'Uil.‘ of the family in today’s world. Are we asking the wrong qunstionsâ€.I Wt: kccp hu)ll‘|g Wt: should changt in tlus changing world. keep up with the times: I sometimes really wnndcr what wt- nican’! Remember the old question that has been asked many times. “if you‘re so smart. why aren‘t y0u rich?" It's the wrong question. Wt: need to ask two more qllC‘leh' What's so special about being rich? Who said we wen: smart‘.’ . Wï¬w/ézwv