Yarmouth Glen W-l- enjoy nature slides and com- entary by Jon Mansell. He captivated the group with canes familiar to all such as a sunrise. a ground spar- mw's nest. a goldenrod patch. frost patterns on a win- dow pane and Kettle Creek at various points. From the tip oflhe Bruce Peninsula to locations in Northern Ontario. landscapes ol‘ rocky escarpment. caves and wooded shore lines to infrequently travelled rivers and streams. all projected the beauty of nature. Mrs, Elmer Mahoad and Mrs. Kenneth Thorn tile members or Heaboro WI. cut 60th Anniversary cake “a; 60th Anniversary Haysville WJ. seared L-R â€" Mrs. Mervin Facey. first sec- retary and charter members Mrs. A. E. Bean and Mrs. Edward Schiedel. Back row L-H â€" Mrs. Gordon Scott. President and tile members, Mrs. Edward Klinkrnan. Mrs. A. B. Christner, Mrs. E. H. Bean, Mrs. W. J. Schneller. Haysville WJ. Mrs. A. E. Bean. Mrs. Edwaru Schiedel. and Mrs. Mervin Facey were special Meni- bersâ€"ofâ€"Honour at the 60th Anniversary of the Hays- vulle Women's Institute. Mrs. Bean and Mrs. Scliicdcl are lite members as well as charter members and Mrs. Fucey has the distinction of being the only remaining members whose name was on the original cxccutivc. Huysville Branch was organized by Mrs. Wm. El- [toll of Gall on November 20. 1914 in the Hays-villi: Hall when eleven members joined. A skit depicting (it) years in the life ot'its members and the Branch was in- terspersed with a slide presentation of days in thc litt- uf Haysville W.l. N i5 Central Dumt‘ries WJ. â€" L-Fl â€"â€" Anniversary Tea v Com~ mittee member. Mrs. M Lake: Prestdent. Mrs A. W. Tayv for and hostess Mrs. R. G. Brown. 65 Years of Growing Central Dumfries W.l. mark 05th Anniversary at three spccutl events during the year. Salad Luncheon was the [int cclcbralion when District Olliccrs u'cre prescnl. A citndlc llgllllllg ccrc- mony was performcd during which limc tlic nicnihcrs looked back and then to lhc l'uturc. The [irst minutes were read and Lilc mcnihcrsliip hadgcs and cci'tili- czilcs were presentcd to Mrs. A. W. Taylor. Mrs. A. l;. Thompson. Mrs. J. Easton. Mrs. L. Kujaiiik. The second cvcnl. a bus trip to tlic lirland l.cc Home and Botanical (.iardcns. An Anniversary Tea concluded lhc your long events “him all thc Branches in thc [)i\lricl wcrc in- vttcd. Many of thc nicmhcrs own hctlulil'til antiques and quilts and lhcst: wcrc displaycd iii many rooms of thc R. G. Brown home. Among thc many quilts wcrc two hand cmbroidcrcd autograpth quilts and a (coâ€" tennial quilt using the cmhlcms o1" lhc provinccs. Tca was served to the guests from a gtiyly dcco- raled lca lithlc. New Dublin WJ. celebrate 50 years since organization Mcmbcrs wcrc prcsent from most ol‘ tlic llranchcs in Lccds East District. Organization of this branch took place Feb. l9. 1924. cxuctl)’ 27 ycars al'tcr thc i'or- matinn ol‘lhc ï¬rst Women's lnslilutc at Slonc) ('rcck. One of the first projects was the purchaxc ol‘ a pi- ano which is still in use today. Ncw Dublin sponsored :1 4H Club over the years and have contributed strongly to community cvcnts. Guest speaker was Mrs. Rnhl. Shcppard. Brock- ville. a past District l’rcsidcnt.