A LETTER TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE F.W.I.O. Since my retirement on October 7. 1975. as Min- ister of Agriculture and Food for Ontario. I have re- ceived many letters from various branches of the Fed erated Women's lnStitutes of Ontario expressing warm gppl’ï¬clallon for mylinterest 'tn‘Women's Institutes during my term as Minister. Wishing me well in retire- ment and expressing best Wishes for improved heanh, I have been deeply touched by the warmth and sincerity expressed. I want all members of the Women's Institutes of Ontario to know that I enjoyed working with you for the betterment of all Ontario. Your initiative and dedication to the cause of hu- man betterment continues to be an inspiration to “anions. Being, intensely interested in such matters «.oselfit was easy for me to identify with you in your rnimv useful activities. It is my hope your influence will continue to pread. that your membership will grow and above all ran the high ideals of Women’s Institutes may always we held aloft for all to see and follow. Again thank you for your letters and for the oppor- iiiity I had to work with you prior to my retirement hieh I am enjoying as my health gradually improves. With my very best wishes and warmest personal -__v.irds to everyone of you. The East Oxford Branch catered to a dinner for Mrs. Durti‘ng and her tamin on her 100th birthday and spon- sored a tea and open house. Since then the Branch have remembered her on Mother's Day as well as her mist and 102nd birthday with a birthday dinner and flowers. AS OTHERS SEE US Editor’s Note. Miss Marion Duke. Editor ofthe Lisâ€" lowel Banner attended the Guelph Area C oni'enlr'ou in Atwood last Full. ijmi'ing the Convention this editorial appeared in the paper. KEEPING PACE WITH THE TIMES Marion Duke â€" Editor Women‘s organizations as a whole tend to main- tain a low proï¬le. but over the years none have carried a more conservative image than the venerable Women‘s Institutes. Traditionally a rural organization. to the outsider at least. the WI has appeared to be little more than an aftemoon get-together t'or farm wiles. What the women actually did at their meetings seemed some- thing of a mystery. but whatever it was. it always ap- peared to be seeondar) to the Fun and games portion of the programme. After attending the Guelph Area Wl eonvention in Atwood early this month. however. no can asmre too that apple pie-checkered apron image of the WI i.~ downright misleading. These women know where it‘s at and WI units are as trial a force in their communities todn) as when they were ï¬rst formed t)\'L‘I' hall a century ago Today. alonpi with their \‘illtltlhle‘ 'l'weedsmuit His.- tor} Books. WI branches are concerned with MlL‘ll isâ€" SltL‘S as pa) l'or lartii \t'I\C\. the Hall Reform «\t‘t. patient care iti hospital and the relationship between the patient and the doettir and teleusioit itolenee. All of these IS\UL‘\ were dismissed .ind disttissed Il‘l- telligentl} in the limo of resolutions. liclure the eon- vention. And ll was a pleasure to see that my load ol age barrier was non-eustent. Young women iii their twenties llll\L't_l atid chatted easily with women tun-e and three times their ape. Beside». their concern I‘ot current conditions. we learned WI branches also contribute substantial amounts ol' money to organi/ations dedicated to un- prot'ing education and nutrition in the \uii‘ld and to assistng those with ei esighl dilliettlties, Quite apart from the worthwhile htl'xltlL'M L'Ull- ducted ht the women .11 the convention. II was e\- tremely pleasant to “alli into a convention hall hold- mg over 35!! delegates and not had the room Iilled with smoke and to hear a programme llllL‘lllllL‘TCtl w ith the all~too-l‘anii|iar till-color jokes. At another women‘s HIL'L'llt‘l'g we attended earlier this fall. the only man present at the gathering. Rev. l.t:\ (irant iil’ listowel repeated a phrase we'd heard somewhere this year, "From Adam's rib to Women‘s | ib. hub} you've come ti long way" That "baby" hit is condescending. but the message is there and Ill’gilnl/ttlltln\ like the Women‘s Institute have got it loud and elear. The Seugog Island Women's‘ Institute heard an In- teresting pr‘sk'nl'dllUn by guest speaker Mrs. Judy MaeColl. children‘s librarian at the Scoping i’itblie Li- hrary. Utir Librariam have access to all path of the country through the (‘entral Ontario Region Library .svstem and any books not carried by the local library citn be obtained upon request within a ['ew days. 27