The Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario. Pro- Vincial Board spent an evening honouring the retired Director of the Home Economics Branch. Miss Helen McKercher. Honorary President of the Women's Institutes was invited to attend a buffet and spend an evening with the Provincial Executive. Board Directors and Standing Conveners at the Lord Simcoe Hotel. Miss Margaret Myer. Acting Director ofthe Home EConomics Branch and Mrs. Margaret Woof. Super- visor of Junior Extension were guests for the special event. Although Miss McKercher had been invited for the evening. the events which were planned certainly took her by surprise. Mrs. Herb Maluske and Mrs. Earl Morden were in charge of the arrangements. working with the Board Directors to make the event a happy occasion. one to he remembered. Mrs. Maiuske. Miss McKerchar and Mrs. Nobiitt pose for picture HONORARY PRESIDENT‘S BADGE The Honorary President's bridge was returned to Miss McKerchcr by Mrs. Maltiske and as she pinned it on said. "I hope you Will wear this and remember your years with the Women‘s institute." Miss McKer'cher thanked all for this thoughtful gesture and said she hoped tojoin a Women‘s Institute Branch at some Fuâ€" ture time. [(7 The Gordon Mallion family, special guests. deli: the group with their songs. Mrs. Mallion, a former‘ cos Area President and a group discussion lead! Officers' Conference. provided the piano act paniment for her husband and daughters. Go: dressed in uncoordinated tartans. sang the old St numbers while their three lovely daughters showed versatility with a wide range of songs. .1. » _A specially decorated cake, made by Mrs. Jean if gerich, Baden. was cut by Miss McKercher. assisted Prestdenl, Mrs. Malusks. HELEN M. McKERCHER SCHOLARSHIP A $l.000.00 scholarship will be offered yearly. 7 sum. derived from the interest from a $100000“ ‘ vestment from donations received from the Worn: Institute members of Ontario. The scholarship will be available to: A Canadian Citizen. A resident of Ontario for at least ï¬ve years. _ A person holding a degree in Home Econom trom a recognized Canadian university. I A person wishing to pursue Post Graduate SlUdl in Extension Educationâ€"related to Home Economlv in the event that no student is available. considcmlli is to be given to a diploma graduate. graduating I‘M a recognized college. The student to continue educ lion at a recognized University granting a degree i Home Economics.