- x u‘ Juiferin County WI Scholarship Winner Lana Chambers. Ontario scholar. now attending Jni‘versity of Guelph in the Bachelor oprplied Science ‘J'rogramme was awarded the Dufferin Scholarships She as completed sixteen 4-H Homemaking projects spon- ,ored by Marsville Wit ISouih March WI members made a "Friendship Omit" under the leadership of Mrs. Shirley Yakabuski arid presented it to 4-H Club leader Marilyn Bidgood at a regular meeting. 53 “‘7 1;; Scholarship winner Deborah Dibben, Chambers 4-H Homemaking Club Burks Falls, was Winner of the North- ern Area $100.00 Scholarship, She is attending Niagara College, hoping to graduate as a social worker. . A. a . - '_ i . .u The 18th unit for Eunice Hill. Prince Township, Sault Ste. Marie was "Taking A Look At Yourself". Eunice. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill received Advanced Honours at Achievement Day, Above she is being pre- sented with certificate by Home Economist (r) Mrs, lsa- bel Macrae. 25