RESOLUTIONS Mrs. Harvey Noblitt Thirteen Resolutions were researched by the Reso- lutions Committee and presented by the convener to the meeting. I Three emergency resolutions were discussed. two already had been handled the remaining one was sent in by Hastings North and was sustained WHEREAS since there is a concentrated effort to de- velop nuclear energy it is possible that future gener- ations may be threatened; and WHEREAS the low level waste must be safely stored for hundreds of years while the high level waste must be safely stored for many thousands of years; and WHEREAS excessive demands for energy. at present are being met by concentrating on development of energy from nuclear sources and are neglecting the de- velopment ofalternative sources such as renewable re- sources and the conservation of energy: and WHEREAS the long term genetic effects of increased radiation are not fully understood and may prove detâ€" rimental to future generations; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the FWIO request the governments of Ontario and Canada to inâ€" itiate an educational programme to acquaint the people with the hazards and beneï¬ts of nuclear energy development and waste disposal. WHEREAS packages of prepared cereal are being sold with small toys enclosed: and WHEREAS these toys can create a hazard to small children: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario petition the Min- istry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs to investigate this situation. WHEREAS it is becoming increasingly difï¬cult to ob- tain a dental appointment in this district without wait- ing for weeks‘ even months: and WHEREAS we feel the shortage of dentists affects the dental health ofour people, the children in particular; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request the On- tario Government to consider the situation, with a view to ï¬nding a remedy for the shortage of dentists. WHEREAS hired labour for privately owned business and farm work is becoming increasingly diï¬'icult to ob. tain; and WHEREAS an extra burden is placed on the spousr I†help; and WHEREAS these same spouses cannot take adma. tage of the Canada Pension Fund because his or my labour may not earn personal income; and WHEREAS the present, tax legislation is a , crimination against these spouses: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Fen ated Women's Institutes of Ontario request that Federal Government enact legislation to permit spouse to receive payment for their labour, deduct: from the spouse‘s income. WHEREAS under present law. shows, documentai and the previews of them that show murder and ‘ lence on television are allowed during the day H that part of the evening when children are watch television; and WHEREAS the television is a powerful influence our children, and they should not be exposed to ciousness during their viewing hours; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Fer ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario ask the Fed: Government to enact legislation to the effect that shows. documentaries, and the previews advertis: them. which include scenes of murder, hate and \. lence, be scheduled to adult viewing hours. WHEREAS at the present time, any store may put display magazines that are printed. regardless of cu. tent; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Fed ated Women’s Institutes of Ontario request the C‘ tario Government to enact legislation to the eflect tl magazines promoting sex, nudity, or violence, be p' hibited from being prominently displayed in CSIL: Iishments patronized by school children. DR. SHEILA ZURBRIGG If you don‘t ask questions you never ï¬nd out the answers. Dr. Sheila Zurbrigg. a Canadian volunteer in the Madurai Save Sight project. returned to Canada and was in need of funds to continue her work. FWIO investigated the possibility of receiving ex- tra funding from CIDA (Canadian International De- velopment Agency). Because of Ontario‘s contribution of $4210.00 from the International Scholarship Fund to ACWW‘s Nutrition Education Trust Fundw it all be- came possible. FWIO requested this money be reallo- cated. This ACWW did! CIDA provides around $2.50 for every $1.00. We are assured the contribution will 8 rise to $14,090.00. It will enable Dr. Zurbrigg to work in the Villa; Health Worker Programme. Tamil Nadu, India, at H Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre. This is another milestone in the history of the In temational Scholarship Fund. Ontario members ca be proud that their contributions have assisted pCOPl so magniï¬cently, in Mysore. Turkey, Spain. South A. rica and now back to India again. From small beginnings, great strides are bein; made in this, the 801h year since Women’s Institute began.