SECRETARY’S REPORT Mrs. Earl Morden FWIO Membership Number of Branches 1,262 Number of Members 29,218 \‘umber of Branch Life Members 2.962 All correspondence and business was attended to. rapies of minutes of all meetings were mailed to : :mbers of the Board or committee members. All in- rtments, year end transactions completed, and all ‘urities in safeâ€"keeping at TD, Bank. Inventory reâ€" . vded for FWIO and Erland Lee by Secretary as- ._‘d by Mrs. Russell Campbell. Mrs. Morden attended all committee meetings, Co- uon to Preserve Food Land, Niagara Escarpment nimission Advisory Committee; assisted in enterâ€" iing Mrs. Hacketâ€"Pain at Lee Home, assisted in narations for the 80th at Bingeman Park on July I3: attended initial meeting of Ontario Agricultural neum exploring feasibility of Hali of Fame. rrd working Secretaryâ€"treasurersâ€"Officers Confer- ice, (L)â€"Mrs, Russell Campbell; and Mrs. Ear! Morden t’IO. OFFICERS’ CONFERENCE Mrs. Russell Campbell, Olï¬cers' Conference Secre- iy-Treasurer presented a summary of last year‘s inference and proposed the following recommenda- xns which were accepted by the Board. 30th Annual Oflicers’ Conference at University of Waterloo. Waterloo May 2-3-4/78 for BranCh Secretary Treasurers District Secretary Treasurers Branch Members at Large Area Presidents or Viceâ€"President ‘ooling Feeâ€"$70.00 ($10.00 withholding fee if 'ulegate unable to attend) '-li:~:, Joseph Bielish. FWIC Presidentspccial gueSl. COALITION TO PRESERVE FOODLAND Mrs. R. John Reid FWIO representatives attended the founding meeting oflhe Coalition. The purpose was to bring to- tgelher Ontario organizations concerned with the pres- ervation of food land in the province. Over a dozen organizations attended. many deeply Concerned with the loss of Agricultural land and ap- parent lack of planning. FWIO will continue to send a representative. Mrs. John A. King, Hickson. HOSPITALITY REPORT Mrs. Melville Wiseman This deals mainly with WI members visiting On- tario from out ofthe Province or from overseas. Terms of reference Were drawn up previously for guidelines so the Convener and coordinators would have some guidance. Wellington Centre District visited South Van- couver Island and Waterloo South District arranged a study tour in England. Both of these groups made all their own arrangements. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL HALL OF FAME Mrs. Earl Morden About 50 persons from agriculturally oriented societies (including FWIO) met at the Ontario Agri- culture Museum to discuss the possibility of a Hall of Fame. 1. Motions were sustained, that a committee pro~ ceed to deveIOp the concept of the Ontario Agri» cultural Hall of Fame Association. 2. That OMAF name a group for an interim com- mittcc. 3. That Mr. R. (‘arbert he the secretary. The objectives are as follows: a. to formally and publicly recognize persons who in the course of their residence in Ontario made sig- niï¬cant outstanding contributions to the welfare and improvement of Ontario agriculture. The form of recognition to include the hanging of a picture of the persons selected in a gallery to be located at the Ontario Agricultural Museum. b. to establish and maintain a gallery worthy of the name, The Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame. c. to prescribe standards for recognition in the On- tario Agricultural Hall of Fame. d. to direct all activities pertaining to the selection ofthe persons eligible for recognition and the cor emonies associated with the hanging of the por- traits. e. to display. in an appropriate manner, information of historical interest pertaining to persons se- lected for recognition and to events that have had a signiï¬cant impact upon the agriculture of this country. ONTARIO HYDRO Mrs. Wm. Middleton As a result of the Environment Act passed in I975 and the Carter Commission a study group was set up in south western Ontario. ln I976 organizations were invited to attend mect- ings held in specified areas on the following topics. Human Settlement: Agricultural Production. Timber Production. Terrestrial Communities. Aquatic Com- munities. Wildlife Exploitation. Recreation and Ap- pearance of the Landscape. Constraint maps were available depicting the quality of the land ranging from prime through to poor. Final study sessions involving all the original groups gathered in l977 at the University of Western Ontario to further discuss Lind ask questions of the lb member Ontario Hydro study team. FWIO was repre- sented by Mrs. Middleton.