WITH THE EW.I.0. BRANCHES CALTON WI. ELGIN EAST DISTRICT Two projects were undertaken to eelebrute li‘lt casion. the compilation of LI. cook book and the r ration of the old school bell on the school grouii l’resent and paxt members. met In the aghonlhnttx'e tor a smorgmbord luncheon. the cutting ol‘ the anni- \erxar} cake in honour ttl‘ their 25th annitersary, marked the special event. _ , , . I A valued member of the Lumbar-ch- ll'l]. Leeds Eust Dixtrit't war presenth with a Life Membership budge um! ('L’Nl'fil’tllfl L-r. President. M'rr. Olen Wright is seen preventing Mrs". Charles Blanchard with rent/irate. l4 TEACHING VALUES Lynedoch WI. Norfolk South District had educators speak at a Branch meeting. Mrs. i Chapman. principal at Lynedoeh Elementary Si and Mr. Graydon Jones“ Vittoria Audio Visual ( spoke and showed slides. Mrs. Chapman gave a preliminary explanatn the methods used in our elementary schools to i children good basic values during their l'orn: years to enable them to become good. decent ind uals. able to cope with the problems ot‘everyday it our swiftly Changing world. and to become u members ot‘ society. Mr. Jones complemented Mrsi Chapman‘s ad with a slide presentation of scenes taken throng the area Formerly known as Norfolk County. Mal these slides were taken in the elementary schot- the area. Mrs. Chapman explained that teachers had alt taught these intangible “values†but that the_never been written down or set out as a partit school “courseâ€. The presentation graphically illustrated that though the teaching ol~ moral values rests mainl} ‘ parents. teachers too have a certain responsibilll guide their students in basic values. ;L