Tea time, as Thames River W.l. celebrate their 65th anâ€" niversary, L-r Mrs. George Barr. FWiO Board Director; 'virs. Earl Griffith, District President, Pouring tea; Mrs. Jonas Sanberg. Branch President; and Mrs. Mary Frain. cast District President. THAMES RIVER WJ. Early in May of I913 a group of women had a w «on. They had gathered to prepare and serve a dinner .ll'td. following the meal. sat down for a friendly chat. During the course of the conversation Women’s Insti- lute was discussed. As a result. on May 22. [913. Mrs. Edward Clark. District President and Mrs. J. H. Wilâ€" liams. District Treasurer organized Thames River Brunch Women’s Institute with Mrs. Fred Dolsen as President. Mrs. John Fieming. Secretary-Treasurer._ and Mrs. Bert Clements. District Director. Members worked extensively with the Red Cross during the First World War and. at its Close. emphasis was placed on W.I. projects and community activities in keeping with the aims and objects of the organiza- tion. The branch now has 15 members and ï¬ve life members. In celebration of the 65th Anniversary. 3 Come- and-Go Tea was featured at the home of Mrs. George Barr. Crafts by various members were also displayed. GARNET W.l., HALDIMAND WEST DISTRICTi heard lawyer Mr. Edward McCarthy speak on wills. estate planning. succession duties. property tax and Capital gains. He recently attended a seminar in Lon- don regarding the new law reform. A question and an- swer period followed. Four daughters at Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Hamilton, Russell County. have received Advanced Honours. which means all have successfully completed 18 4-H Home- making Club projects. while "mother" received her 10 year leadership award last year. She assisted Mrs. Er- nest Burton for a few years before assuming leadership- Mrs. Burton has received an award for 15 years. L-r Mrs. Richard Demson. Mrs. Bert Vedder. Mrs Wilmer Hamilton. Mrs. Carl Straby. Mrs Charles Watson, Oueensboro W.i.. Hastings North District, held a 30th anniversary tea and bazaar Shown in the picture are some of the charter members. Alice Branch. Renlrew North District. present certifi- cates of honour to charter members during the 40th an- niversary celebration. i_~r front Mrs. Ethel Duckrow; Mrs. Archie Anderson. Back row Mrs. Edward Stresman; Mrs. Wilfred Nagora, President; Mrs. Cecil Kennedy .J‘" 15