4H HOMEMAKING IN SEAFORTH WOMEN’S INSTITUTE t A Group of Seafoth 4H Leaders L-r Mrs. Sarah Elliott, Mrs. Jean Keys, both Wi members; Mrs. Olive Little, volunteer leader for 15 years: Mrs m Vansteelandt. volunteer leader and first recipient to receive Advanced Honours in Seaforth; Mrs. Grace Camper cl; unieer leader and second girl to receive Advanced Honours. In April 1978 Seai‘orth Women's 1nstitute cele~ bruted its 501h anniversary. Mrs. Gordon Elliott. PRO tells about the activities and involvement with the 4H Homemaking Clubs. from the formation of the branch until the present time. A year after the organizing of the Women's Insti« tute. Seafoth Girls took part in a Household Science Judging Competition, in 1932 a Home Garden Club was taken and in 1933 3 Domestic Science judging competition was conducted by Miss Helen McKerchcr and Miss Flora Durnin acting as coaches. The Huron County Girls' Organization was formed in 1934 for the purpose of sponsoring an Achievement Day and the next year the executive of the Seafoth Junior Women‘s Institute organized a Giris‘ Garden and Canning Club with local leaders participating. Miss Durnin conducted a Leaders‘ Training School in Seafoth with an attendance ofll. Almost continuously since. Seal‘orth Women's Insti- tute has sponsored Girls‘ Club work in their commu- nity. From this beginning. interest grew and in 1952 when the name of4H Homemaking was adopted the Girls' Club work program was well started. In the fall of 1971 Seaforth sponsored twelve 4H Homemaking Clubs with an enrollment of 135 members and in the Spring of 1972 there were thirteen clubs with an en» rollmerit of 142 girls from the area. There were enough members for an Achievement Day for Seafoth clubs a one. Many. many girls have received County Honours 18 for completing six clubs. approximately 125 girls 1 received Provincial Honours on the completlor twelve projects. In 1970 one girl Ricki (Williams) ‘steelandt received Advanced Honours for the co†I tion of eighteen projects, with 11 more girls attuit g that goal to date. Other awards are offered by the Home ECOflL-’ .- Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture 1 Food for outstanding work, Each year girls are chi it from Huron County to be guests of the Ministry at ’ Western Fair. for a day. Some girls have attended . Girls†Conference at Guelph, while others have 1 i rewarded with trips to Ottawa or Washing? Seafoth girls have won their share of these an.- Some of the members have appeared on telen promoting 4H Homemaking Club work in the cot. in 1953 a scholarship was set up by the women's 1.» tales of Huron County for 4H Homemaking L girls. Seafoth has had 6 winners. During Canada‘s Centennial year. the “4H g showed their appreciation to the Women’s lnstitut _ sponsoring a dance with the theme “01d Fashw. 1 House Party." The strength of the 4H Homerua‘: program lies largely in the untiring efforts of the _ unteer leaders. Where do we get these leaders nec J to carry on the work? Women‘s Institute mem u" handled the task in the beginning but with the grow it 01‘ the program it was found necessary to try and rm t- est people from the community to become leaders We have received excellent co-operation from tlab girls" mothers who see the “4H†program as a good «- perience and training for their girls; while others are T‘it;