The tours Behind 1 s The year of the Child was not just for ‘79. v From the report of meetings. we have tried to include activities carried on in the communities. Needs of children in our world to-day was a roll call at WHITE SCHOOL W I meeting. Some of the thoughts were, spend time with children, love them, teach them to be re- sponsible, to show respect and understanding for others. Books for the Warkworth Library have been purchased en- titledYChiIdren Through the Ages and Children of My Heart, also a donation was made to the local Guides and Brownies. ' Rights to a value system, children of ten don’t know what is right or wrong, this can be attributed to parental discipline. or lack ofit. Many meetings were held where members talked about child abuse, which incidentally number more than 30 types. There are children around in all our communities who suffer cruel abuse, who suffer beatings, exploitation.hurniliati0n, neglect, at the hands of parents. The effects of such a childhood lifestyle can remain with a child a life-time. Statistics show a correlation can exist between an abused childhood and later criminal behavior; however this does not necessarily create an abusive parent. The strength of the child along with a multitude ofdifferent factors make each problem case an individual concern. One of the many points raised was that society continue to ignore the fact that abuse is actually taking place. The time has come for society to help abusive parents, they are worth saving and can be helped. Too long has passed‘ society has sat on the side lines too frequently. It’s time individuals pressed for greater assistance from counselling services, social agencies, educational parenting groups‘ but perhaps the most important thought should be. “it‘s up to me, how can I as a citizen help?" CALEDON W I FEEL NORTH DISTRICT, heard a Uni- tarian Service Committee member discuss their work and methods of sharing information through a slide and display presentation. As a result Crib quilts.jackets and r.' in o . and special donations were made by branch m._ one method of helping children in need. ‘ ' Branches talked about Women In Crisis, thi ibuod women in a transition stage living in temporary insitibn quarters and emergency shelters. A few branches assisted local municipalities i ‘ .rTm libraries" donating toys in many cases from he, ‘ children are now grown and the toys Were Pack» boxes, gathering dust. In other cases, grants wei 35m to assist the W I to start such a library, and still '3 in; into their own ï¬nances. ' W l‘s served as judges for a poster competition .dur- ing hospital week at the Cornwall General, Tl: 1mm entry, was a three part display of children in l life“ medical care, and at play. Another branch meeting was told by then him “Children who are already overweight should not 11..“ a diet to lose weight. They should be taught to CA‘ :trla by decreasing starchy foods and high caloric for Here are a few guide lines: Limit potatoes and bread . Boil not fry meats, provide only one sewing . Eat lots of vegetables and fruits . No chips, candy, peanuts No soft drinks . Stay away from macoroni and spaghetti. A child who is fat never needs to be remindr fact. Making a person conï¬dent will do more to l sity is a major problem and one that should be dr- children. Trying to lose weight as an adult is alm- G‘s-HAL».le- sible, but guiding children and helping them an ï¬nd eating habits will stop the problem at its roots be .m- ing habits are established and before obesity has i [u effect the psychosocial behaviour ofthe person. WINNER OF PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST KAKABEKA FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOL Sponsored by the Stanley W 1‘ Thunder Bay South Dis- trict. topic based on lYC, as told by Susan McFarland, Age [2. “Have you though! about the rights We have as children? Every person ham/ï¬ght lo a name to eslrzblz'sh your identify. ("an you imagine going through life being called ‘Hey-Youl †lVrJt‘lonalfU’ is very important r0 us because it establishes a sense of belonging in this World. Think how lucky we are ro have free education. Have you ever thought about chil- dren in underdeveloped cormm’es who only dream about furthering their educarlon or getting any education at all? I jéel recreation areas are for teaming in group activities. We should use and learn from them and not abuse them Children have the right to be brought up in a spirit of peace, we all realize that peace is no! easy because it takes time and understanding, All children have [be right to adequate nutrition and medical care, but as you knom nranv children in the world do not get this klnd of care and, therefore. rlrev do not develop into constructive adults. ' Who will be part of the nnrions' growth and develop- 12 merit? Who will be educators, who will provide 11 Wilt and who work towards peace? We have the rlglr vim" these rights regardless of race, color, sex, religion. until or social origin. I feel that this means that you l b‘ aware of individual rights, care about the peopl' “16 world in which they live. Share your under-stain all" love. your abilities and your concern with H W around you. The right to protection against all ‘v N neglect, cruelty and exploitation. Children are the future; without children Hill at!“ be no future. I f rltese children were brought up 1 lutr violence is a way of life, and that raking adventure?! WM†children is normal, the Chances of peace in their r. l in" carries less and less possible. I feel all children have the right to special Can feel, means if they are born with a disability, tilt be cared for immediately and looked after. so n may grow up and have the best advantages to the,“ Children have the right to be a useful member or h†J that they may learn to get involved in organizanw-w U†clubs which will make them feel worthwhile.