At the HOLVROOD W I, BRUCE SOUTH DISTRICT family night a life membership certificate and badge was presented to Miss Edna Boyle for her contribution to the Branch over the last 3‘6 years Mrs, Amelia Cumming, Ripley, right, Bruce South District President made the pre- sentation to Miss Boyle, centre. Mrs. Myrtle Percy, Branch President seen holding the certificate read the presentation address. BRANCHTON W I, oldest Branch in the District of WATERLOO SOUTH, celebrated their 75th Anniversary with a comeanclrgo tea Members present for the event, LR, front row, Bessre Kemkes, Benetta MacDonald, Sylvia Westbrook, Edna Scott, Ruth Studiman, Mien Daners,‘ back row, Florence Oliver, Peggy Stafford, Mirabel Jones, and Dorothy Phillips. mm Hat ,3». / TIGER DUNLOP W I, HURON WEST DISTRICT present gift to Miss Helen Brindley who has completed twentyrfour 4-H Homemaking Club protects and holds a certificate for leading clubs for ten years. Seen receivmg gift, on behalf of the Branch, L-R’, Miss Brindley, Mrs. H. Buchanan, Presi- dent, and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting making the presentation. Members of the planning committee for the WE LL CENTRE DISTRICT 75th Anniversary celebr' L-H, seated, Mrs. Elmer Duffie/d, District Sew. Mrs. Matt. Leuty, District President. Back row, Mr Beatty, Mrs. Orville Somervllle, Mrs. Albert Hi. Mac Lawrence, and Mrs. John Burnett. BEECHWOOD W l, KENT EAST DISTRICT, the 50th anniversary with "a look back into ther members present who have belonged for 50 yea. F. L. MacDougall and Mrs. Chas. Butler, Mrs. ’ man, a charter member pose with President A Leeson. Absent was Mrs. Geo. Wardell, the otl' member. E ' Local representatives to the National Conventior‘ HONEYDALE W I, ONTARIO SOUTH DISTFH m a laint W / meeting of members from Um Oakwood, and Manilla. L-R, Mrs. Clara Warren, Frr' Honeydaie and Mrs. Mabel Ca wker, a member of h and PRO for Central Area, display articles I Convention,