PROVINCIAL PRESIDENT SPEAKS Mrs. Diamond, FWIO President mingled throughout the Conference, meeting and chatting with delegates. In her key-note address on the Conference Theme “The What, Where and Why of the W.I., she gave each word strength and meaning, combining the Separate words into a meaningful approach for the year_" The What of the W.I. Mrs. Diamond stressed the W.I. has had clear-cut goals not vague ones for Over 82 years. Someone has described the heritage handed down to us by our pioneers in W.I. work as “laying the foundation for sane thinking and practical living". Our pioneers were reformers of a kind to help people help themselves, and so are you the members of to-day. We still need women working together, followers of an deal, a well-planned program, willing to work and ommunicate with each other as they study and voice ipinions. There was a dream in Mrs. Hoodless and Mr. Lee’s .‘lll’ldS to make life better for someone else. Over the cars the W.I. has had many dreams such as that back 1' medical inspection and the teaching of music in ublic schools. In fact, in 1971, out of more than 20 sders-in-council passed one November day in the ‘ovincial legislature. seven of them had been initiated {resident Mrs. Clarence Diamond and PRO Mrs. JOhIt .‘v'ruwn and chairman of the Area Group Lead?†by resolutions from the Women‘s Institutes in the province. The Where of the W.I. As we have said many times before. the W.I. is an organization to involve you. to stimulate you. to activate you and provide you with opportunities for service in many fields. There was never a period when the challenge of the times and the need for information and understanding was greater. The Why of the W.I. Because the power of society is in the hands of people. we owe our best efforts in appreciation of those who pioneered in the building of this structure of human service, This year we are beaming in on Presidents at every level. Each of you has qualities of leadership which have been revealed in your home. your communi- ty and out and beyond. People are not born leaders. but grow into leadership. Developing leadership qualities takes time. talent and a lot of hard work. Mrs. Diamond concluded by saying. look at the world. We do not need dark glasses which cloud our vision or roseâ€"colored glasses which give the illusion that all is perfect. What we need are tril'oculs to see at three branch. district and area. Discussion group, Mrs. R. D. Lungr xtmid infrmrt u] the PRU display. I 7