Time On Time. Ahead of Time? From time to time! Sixty seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hoursï¬you figure it out I haven't time! We all are blessed with 24 hours in a day, then why is it some folks can accomplish so much more than others? There are timeâ€"wasters. Those who kill time and those who never let a minute go by without making the best use oftime. How does one go about allocating time? Time is a very personal thing, because what we do with our time is our own business. It’s ours' to waste or use productively, 0n the other hand. who is to say what 'productively†really means. Sitting on the sand. watching the water tap lazily onto the share, one could sit therefor hours, enjoying, relaxing. thinking. at peace with the world; whereas another person after a few minutes of observation feel they are wasting time. It has been said. if you want to turn hours into minutesâ€"renew your enthusiasm. We are mid-way through our Women's Institute year. perhaps it would be wise to take time at a meeting to reafï¬rm our objectives. Include also, the Branch goals for the specific year. It is doubly important that every Branch set a high standard of "quality performance" at each meeting, We are asking members and friends to spend time at a meeting, so why not put the utmost effort into the meeting plans to make it a learning experience. The sources of information go far beyond any single person, The reams of good material and advice is readily available, in many cases free for the asking, or at a nominalfee. We still have not fully learned how to utilize information pamphlets. In fact. sometimes we just don't take time to even read the information we pick up at meetings and carry home. in the 80's the role of the volunteer has drastically altered the way the public look at us. Volunteering is a means to some end. Perhaps the time has come for us to examine our own attitudes and expectations. Why are we a Women 's Institute member? Because we want to help others? Or do we want to help people help themselves? We've heard that many times before! Or do we want to help ourselves while we help others help themselves? You can see even our approach toward attitudes and expectations can be so different. The versatility of our membership allows everyone to “be themselves" yet "give ofthemselves†and still provide the expertise needed for strong leadership. The Women's Institute hold the key to achievement oft: worthwhile goal through volunteering. Our desire should be to provide an opportunity to allow people to be their best. This is not always easy. The first step is to recognize who is capable of offering this unique gift. All volunteers do not have the same capabilitiesituke time to assess the strengths so that each member is able to contribute, feeling her talent is important. Take time to use your common sense. Don't get caught up in a world of glitter and artificial busyness. Become involved in ways that help you and your neighbor to become better everyday citi:ens. A few months from now 7 take timeigive a rating of‘vour performance at your branch meetings on a scale of] to It). How did you rate? K,»