former members and neighboring branch members on this .t‘pct‘t'ul clay. INTERNATIONAL NIGHT CROWN HILL WI. SIMCOE KEMPENFELDT DISTRICT entertained members of Craighurst and Pains- wick Wl'st A buffet featuring such international dishes as Boeuf Bourgingnon, tourtiere. Swedish Meat Balls. Japanese Manju. Black Forest Cake and Winter Salad was thoroughly enjoyed. especially when recipes for the many dishes were available. Following the buffet. members learned more about ACWW through a contest. then had a chance to view displays featuring European countries followed by an armchair tour of six countries including the Oberammergau Play held last year in this small village in southern Ger many. SOUTH MACAULAY WI. MUSKOKA SOUTH DISTRICT enjoyed a program on Health and Safety, some of the points discussed were, keeping Stairways clear from clutter; don‘t put electric cords under the rug, never remove guards from machines; keeping yourself aclive and happy. ULLSWATER WI. MUSKOKA CENTRE DIS- TRICT during their 5(th anniversary year held a dcdication ceremony. Undcra hcauttl'ul old tree a largc stone stands on the lawn of the E. W. Bricsc property. The Institute placed a plaque on the boulder paying trihutc to and rL‘L‘ngni/ing the "Silc of the E. W. Bricse Home. \\'hcrc Ullswater Women's [nslitute was organized. Novcmhcr IS. 1930." At the DL‘CL‘ltth‘t mccting o! WEST END WI, WELLINGTON SOUTH DISTRICT. the roll call was answered by making a donation toward a to} tor the children's ward of Guelph (icncral Hospital. /\ sturdy rtdv in):r tractor had previously hccn purchascd and was shown at lhc meeting. Thc donations cxcccdcd the cost oi the tractor. so 31 colorful story hooks were piirchascd and :i lcw days before Christmas thc gifts were presented to tltc children's ward. The tractor was an immcdiatc success. As soon as hc saw it. one littlc hoy asked it hc could ridc II and was still happily riding around when thc two I'ItL'IiihL'i‘s who had made the presentation. lcl't. Av ' ., MALDEN WI, ESSEX SOUTH DISTRICT presented a t'ri/ft‘t’vmukcr tu n’snlt‘nlx of Mir Rii'linmml Nunlnx Home, Amhersrbiirg, The Branch members Jared tapes from at focal Super/nuke! m purt'huw ll Riuu‘tlwils gai/n’rt‘u‘ for tht' presentation made byï¬ve WI members. Holding t'riflw-mukcr L-r Mrs. Bcrnit'r ()tlt’lft'llt' um! Mrs. I‘fl‘ll' Muyt‘ilh'. Standing behind them L-r Mrs. Malilon Anderson. Mrs, E. Bums. Mrs. H. Atkinson, 2|