Annual Report concludes . . . TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. C. Ritchie Mrs. Ritchie has completed the inâ€" vestments and financial business for the year. Thirty-two F.W. 1.0. scholarships and letters were mailed to the District, County and Area. The new recipient of the Helen McKercher scholarship had received her first payment as well final payments were made to the two previous winners who have com- pleted their course. There were three Maryn Pardy Scholarships presented this year. The treasurer attended all committee meetings pertaining to her ofï¬ce and helped with registration at the Erland Lee (Museum) Home. Number of branches in ’82â€"’83 were 1,166. Number of members in ’82-’83 were 25,628. Number of life members were 3,749. Mrs. Ritchie had completed her 5 year term and is succeeded by Mrs. Duane Williams. HOSPITALITY REPORT Mrs. B. Snider As hospitality convener Mrs. Snider answered all requests from overseas guests and arranged home hospitality with Ontario members. Correspondence was with members in England, Ireland and South Africa. Among the guests were two from Zambia, who visited in the Paris area. Mrs. Nina Lamb of England who was on a scholarship to learn about the Women’s Institute and two English visitors to the Toronto area. All these guests attended the ACWW Conference in Vancouver. Presently there is a request from the Lancashire Federation wishing home hospitality in May, 1985 when 40 members would like to visit Ontario. Mrs. T. Viser had represented the hospitality committee for Northern Ontario and is now replaced by Mrs. Harry Smith of Utterson. Mrs. Snider’s successor is Mrs. W. H. Robertson. lO JUNIOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTES OF ONTARIO Mrs. Mary Hall The Junior Women’s Institute now has 22 branches with 374 members. Good programming contributed to the success of the new district meetings held in the spring. The annual conference at Guelph in October interested 125 women. The members will have as their Bicentennial project, the planting of 22 maple trees around the W.I. Hall at the Ontario Agricultural Museum at Milton. The “Safe Water for All Project†will benefit from their donation of $500.00. The theme of the Conferent-.; was “The Economics of the Chauiing Role of Women and their far-.3595» with workshops on different to: m, The president presented the trophies to the disabled a‘ the Murderball Championshi; in Toronto. Five Certificates of Merit are presented to Members and mi Hohenadel of the Howick Ev .ich received the J WIO award. Please make note . . . Here’s a summary of your new provincial executives and the corn- mittees working at the FWIO level. President Mrs. R. B. (Charlotte) Johnson Treasurer Mrs. Dunne (Elaine) Williams Public Relations Officer Mrs. George (Rena) Cunningham Tweedsmuir Curator Mrs. Ian (Lulu) Heales Educational and Cultural Activities Convener Mrs. W. Murray Family and Consumer Affairs Convener Mrs. Earl Griffith ACWW Council Member Mrs. R. B. Johnson Second ACWW Council Member Mrs. Delle Fletcher, England F WIC Representatives Mrs. H. Noblitt (senior director) Mrs. R. B. Johnson (junior director) Mrs. K. Hiepleh (alternate) Resolutions Committee Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. Johnson, Mrs. R. Coults, Mrs. R. MacAdam, Mrs. J. Davies Finance Committee Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. Johnson, Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. D. Williams, Mrs. R. Campbell. Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. H, Munro Scholarship Committee Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. Jot n, Mrs, S. Johnston, Mrs. D. Willi , Mrs. G. McCulloch, Mrs. L. MacPherson, Mrs. R. B. J Royal Winter Fair Mrs. R. B. Johnson, Mrs. Templeman (alternate) Hospitality Mrs. Ruby Robertson (southeml Mrs. E. Smith (northern) Ofï¬cers’ Conference Committe Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. Jolt ‘.. Mrs. E. Duffield, Mrs. D. Willie Mrs. G. Cunningham Tweedsmuir History Committe; Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. 1011' i, Mrs. I. Heales, Mrs. S. Johnston Mrs. D. Williams, Mrs. B. Snider WI Hall Committee Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. John Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. I. Heales Mrs. G. Cunningham, Mrs. M. In International Scholarship Committee Mrs. K. Hiepleh, Mrs. R. B. John Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. D. Willial- Mrs. W. Long Ontario Agricultural Hall of Farr Representative Mrs. 0. Hawkins Regional Vice-Presidents Mrs. G. McCulloch (eastern) Mrs. Bruce Snider (western) Mrs. Betty Ann Mallard (southeml