llalmn "Writ! Menlhcn ul Hallun Unfrer hate been \vcrj. hm», vallh .1 sane!) of JC- mme‘ llm lull Inn-umber, prnrdcnt \irs “ I.nh) .mnnnnaecd the win ners ml the l-rlurl ( himman \lmlar tin and the Unrmcn'x Institute Bur mu kzrlhryn luhm and lenmlcr “A can were lhr: rope-Lilac rmrpwnls lam m.†rnur-rlr. lhe durum luv-.lrd .r lav-“mill [mi lur unrlurt lrnm Hp: E mm! kxnvtlurrl arm lmd hcrn lrmwlllrw .rrmmd llrllullu .Irhl \cm lurk \mrr- lnr rm. acel . \ICHIh-Jh trnrn -ll rww. .{zll'lln were uh 1mm! 'n help mar In I'lr Marv Ilrr llht‘lllt‘lllllJL II-tllnn 'Ify'JlII/L'zl .l Lulu“. prmrrlv.‘ A! m w m \‘Iwrnl'w-r ll: lmn, lull m the ~le i»l~'lllvll4'rl any hm l-l .Illl.l r unrrw [.1 rllrll 'rnl I'll/rm†ll luv mrrtm.‘ m '1' arm] 2/. ’rr .4‘ durum. r nth u .[wrrn- lum Jpn. U. ’1’): A man In' Mr! lrrv‘ll-Il' ‘q.'.'n"' r/uvriur , “41:â€: him/n] .‘hq "xv. Vr.‘ girl.‘ .1 MM ,m .‘lr.’ Ivr/r'un-r I.4...l nah :lu' :(\u' u' furl-pct. I’l. mu"! rf'I' Ur. A'rlur'l: .'r'.’ .lllr.’ \f', "hr/1.}: Pumpv .t’ I'rrl'uu†l WI ’ â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" (and. Hidinund West Dblrid \Icmbcn Hsrlcd a dairy and walehcd hum whole mllk is procnscd .md packaged mm bag» and cartons. [he pruduamn and muting of ICC uch was aim part ol the tour, lnzlnidc. Mormon! [)islricl \Ln'ynric Dcmtle. {mm Lpper l .rr1.IJ.i \ rlluee. was the guest maker .1! .1 team meeting 01' lngle» urtlc \he tlcrtmmlmled carding. \pifl- rune and WL'JHHH 1mm: mml. entrnn .md linen (ndringlnn. \nrrhumbcrland lust Ilium-I llax» -.(.tr, (ndrmemn hm put ml r-mrxlmm un prom-lune the \‘tr'flli‘ll‘~ Irmilure, ernphmmng In- hrrcmrw rmwmrnx .md dcxelnptng mm.- [\ermml tunnel rhruueh Huh I'r- 'nml lirr.‘ H UH Irhrl l'urn-rmn. .I un'ml-rr Hf \Irl\\.'i "I u‘ln rln'r/ J,[\' in.†urn? ’w'lrllu'rrrk' In “I Fur .urr ‘v‘ r mun erlr' n'un UH I'll! I" an “ax .1 . Ira/{.7 mrrvrhq'r u! Hu- In lam-t “mull: m Mill and Mr 794-! m-Itnl r'u \Imu'. UH “lffld \Ilh‘llll.' u' ‘Id\u‘| H I unit r! \In I'JH." m" x Mirnrl'r'rxhrlr n u rnunl I’M-w .J'rturm‘ (Irum' On and invitations to neighbon friends. The branch is no“ qu meetings with 30 minutes or acquainted aetivitin In the spring. the branch + landscaping project to beauty‘ to» nship community centre Jr rington u-ilh shrubs and \mall The braneh's programs rh. include handling sire“ and Ll‘ customs around the world. \1 yuur skills, imprunng our xi: Wundslock North. Otford \r. Dislriet Howe Fowler. a charter ul- ul' thdsloelt Norih. was hum lhc June mceltng un the neu- her 95th birthday. Mn hm: attended meelings reqularl). my dedlh in Seplemher. A nniversarie: Three hrnnehet reeently tel. their men unnnerxanex lurirl nl llurnn South Drslrrer, \l Brunch of Slrnene N‘oulh Drw hut-duel! \\ .l. ul Norfolk \. pm! the 7U teal marl m Langmn Brunch. Nnrl'ulk held illlh :Irtnucrsary lemu- Mu) Mule “'illun (irrn'e \\ l LIIE\C\ [-ml. marked Il\ Wm er- mm with a dinner for met It will .md lurrner uremheh l/il'c Memhenhips \t unrmenar) eelehralrum Inn Branch prexented lrle m \lnp L‘CHIHL’JIL‘N [u [- wlpn (‘lrrw Angela "walla. linrrun ll Perrh North|)1\trlt'l.prt“ClIlu rit' Juhnslnn will a Mr Incml retenrh