Pr. Education ‘ and Cultural Activities Nancy Murray Convener Branches continued to educate the members about the W1 organization. Here are some ideas: : prepared a skit “Know your WI†I compiled their branch history for 25th anniversary, each member received a copy v compiled a booklet to help new members understand what W1 is all about . many studied the handbook, followed by a quiz ‘ held workshops related to the convenership - attended the FWIC Convention in London. Ontario and gave reports ‘ prepared studies and quizzes on ACWW to become familiar with this part of the organization Some people have difficulty deciding what should be sported under education programs. One Convener ex~ mind how to differentiate when she stated. “almost any -rogram can be educational†but only programs that are ‘studies of education†should be reported here. Some rat were reported are 200 years of education in Lincoln ounty; assertiveness training; programs on computers tnd mi‘croteehnology; a teacher being the occupant of the ‘hot seat" during a question period about the local chool system; community action was shown when a corn utttee worked to keep their local school open. Programs related to cultural activities are as varied as ur imagination can carry us and branches had no prob- ‘cm ï¬nding something to do. They remembered Johann ‘icbastian Bach’s 300th birthday by playing his music: made visits to the theatres to see live productions; pre- cnted histories of fans. dolls, quilts. paisley print; rc- rtewed books; compared the uniqueness of Canadian ‘Jainting to worldwide art; formed a singing group which entertains at various functions; held a workshop on water :olours; hosted a history fair and invited all other branches of their district to participate; promoted Inter national Day with an exchange of ethnic recipes and learned about culture and customs of many countries: watched’a master potter at work and visited local stain- ed glass works. And craft demonstrations were numerous. Resources: Videotape â€" “People Patterns†â€"history of W.l. available from Film Library. OMAF Communications Branch, University of Guelph NlG 2W1. '5719-824-4120 30"“ â€" Ontario‘s Ethnic Mosaic 'â€" compiled for FWIC Convention originals on display at Hoodless Home photocopy at FWIO Office. Citizenship Convener and World Affairs Billie Forrest What is democracy"? The roots go buck 24th] yours to Athens with each indh idqu cquttl to tiny other in the cm oi the law. During one program the Maori 01‘ Non Zealand who enjoy full equality \\ irh other t'lll/t‘lh “CIC compared to Canadian Indians uho htnt‘ lltcir nl'luiH controlled by the Indian nl'l'uit'x tlcpnrtmunl. ' Discussions were held on the Canadian Conslilulion: immigration laws and custom h:\ ica: how our purliumcn tary system works; duties of an omhntlsmnn; t'hnrtcr ul Righls; world population prtmtlt; funding to: R t‘ schools; the Morgcntulcr abortion clinic: lhc (minim Highway Traffic Act rc: drinking and tlrit ing, Hot-utters were from all levels of gmcrnmcnt. Activities were varied. Visits \\'L‘lL‘ mode to registry Office. Citizenship Court. Protincinl (‘ourl untl t‘t‘lll‘lt‘ll meetings. Here are some other att‘lhtlit‘s: O allcntlctl stress semith . held soup day for World Hunger Mission ‘ kept scrap books on \mrltl. urea :nttl mtntnunilt nous and events - ' \‘lcwcd displays UI' foreign stumps nntl smurnns. pit» gram materials I hold cili/cnship workshops Resources: Films “Canadian lticclorul Hyslcnt" 7 touching l'illn nhoul duties 0| returning ol‘l‘iccrx. counting httlltns. ctr. “Citizen tholtl†7 LL comic look ul (‘ilv Hull "The Visible Womun†77 \ll‘llgtllt‘ ul \\‘UlllL'll lrotn pioneer to prose-m “Something Beautiful lorthttl“ storyol'hlulht'r lL'IL‘hil “Make It Happen†7 jolt opportunities Im uomcn Books “Why We Act I ikc L‘ttnutliunx†7 l'lL‘llL‘ llnlon “A Conl'iclcnt Nation Hpcnks Up" 7 Peter NL‘\\I1I:|II Reference re Cltiltl Abuse l-‘ilms Local library 7 "'lhc l’cuplt- Ncrl Dom" “Do | Have Io Kill My t'hiltl" "Interviewing Ihc AllllHL'll ('lnltl“ National Film littztrtl 7 "An Uncsphnnul lnituv" " luihntt \"t‘s untl | ccling Nu" Vidco Tapes 7 "Slrong Kids. Stile Kids“ "(frond Nciglthours“ The new converter lnr HHS/rib is Mrs. Marjory lM.V.) lioycr R.R. Hi7 - 1165 Oliver limttl Thunder Bay. Ontario P'lli (12(‘ Family and Consumer Affairs and Agriculture mul ( 'mrtr dim: Indus/rim converter reports will by in thy Ht'.\'l issue of Home & CUNNlU’. ll Kt C April. May. June [Win 0