inmil) und ( nnsumcr Affairs Gladys Griffith ( unwncr Brantht-x continued to promote resource materials compiled by Ihc Ministry of Agriculture and Food by \c‘l‘ltill'lj.‘ mluntccr Icadcrs to trainini,r workshops and financially supporting thc 47H clubs and adult courscn. “onian lllxlllutt‘ numbers learned through thelr mirtcd program» (’lolhint; and Textiles topics \vcrc demonstrations on quilting; making cnrsagcx. cabbage patch doll clothes and hair pin lttcc, mm to spin \vnnl, tic scarves. decorate cakes .intl urrttnuc llUU-crx; lcttrncd techniques of braiding. rut-.chhtnu chitin. slrctch and sew. Housing; and Home Furnishingx topics were electric \iliL‘ly, :ttlctluttlc pnlicc prorcction: chinwblue willow pnlEcIII, IllttlllllrL' ictintxlung; spcztkcrs on Securitian Kmic-ins and \‘cighhnurhtmd Watch; \ztl‘e operation of wood \ltltc‘x, Humc and Money Management topics were ï¬nancial planning tor numt-n; titlh.‘ divorcc; unclaimed money in huni. tlccuttnls; sttlltr hettt; pricing games; doorâ€"to-door mluxmcn; llllL' lcncc Icyztltltch; a progressive study on \mntcn'x rule in cnnxttntcr ul‘iairx. family Relationships topics “CI'L' day care service; Imlcr purcnrlng; chlltl protection; needs of the elderly; in irlmix' utlltcttch; xt‘tcitlxt‘rs on Tclccnrc. Life Linc lntcr- littlltlllé‘li, \uuncn's \cll tlt'l'cnsc. and transition houses. I hc llllll l mu, Iitttlt‘lltlL‘Li nnti Bruist was widely used. Ht'flilh untl Holt-I) IU[1IL\ \xcrc Rcd Cross Homccarc Suruccs; \tutcr NEIIL‘I); prttpcr ||\L' ttl‘ knives; handling L’ilCllllL‘iIl\‘. ttmtl poisoning: tllLIhClL‘NZ exercising in a pool; Al/hcinrm Dixcztsc: tltctlltll hculllt: dungch ol'silo gas: \t‘ltt/tlpltlt‘lltn. curtlrn-pulnimtary rcxttx’citntion and chil- tltcn's LlISL'uNLN. Agriculture and Canadian Industries Thelma Allen Convener Branches reported studying acid rain. Concerned interest is hard to generate because, unless the cause and effect is visible. people from Olhï¬l‘ parts of the COUHIH tend to be uninterested. ‘ What are you throwing away that could be recycth ll‘ you are near to a recycling depot, use it. lfnot, resoer to get one established. Start your garden under a new kind of plastic that \:_-'[|. dcstructs in sunlight in 60-90 days. Because germination ix speeded up. vegetables grown under it can be market-.1 three weeks earlier. Deforestation of the world has been drastic. Retort 4..» [ion and woods management came a little late. Let‘s iHnL after our top soil â€"â€" we loose 54 billion tonnes a year Ami also remember our wetlands are a necessary part 01 Hit environment. Agriculture in Ontario provides a livelihood for Show Families. lt directly creates 500,000 jobs and indircnr tens of thousands more. HJ. Heinz Company starttrl lll Canada in 1909. Now they have a work force of 18.4 on Last year's wages were $40 million and another \2million went to the farmers. Schneiders in Kitcht not cmpioys 2,000 people and Morda international of Yun- lcck Hill makes and markets over one million pound nl spices annually. These are industries resulting from .r l- culturc. The new convener for 1985/86 is Mrs. Ruth (Raymond) Grose Alma. Ontario NOB IAO. WI meeting on local cable TV : |c|c\ letlll L'.ltllL‘Til\ rullctl .It llronkvillc llttll, ( illL‘i[1lli Inc. tut Mn); [4, at lltc monthly met-ting of tilt“ Nttssngnwcytt “outan lnxtitutc. l I‘L‘ill organizat- illlll\ .tntl lcllim Nttxxttuttwcyttns wcrc Imtlctl |t\ thc lnxtilulc tn pttrticiptllc Katharine (.‘nrwnod a meeting along smoothly by follnit - ing the correct- parliamentary prv cu- dure, delivering interesting speet lies and building confidence. White r is ’ natural to feel nervous when In :1 ti\ nttntit’ prcxcnlttliun by [he lttrl\llllil\i(‘l\ ('luh of Milton. Damn litmcn, I’rcx‘ttlcttl nl’TOtN- tll.l.‘-l<.‘l\ tlllti tm‘ncr t‘i hix own \‘UC- ccx‘lttl cumputcr L‘anulling company cltnirctl it much Tonntntttstcrs mccting. '\II in :tttcntlnncc lliILl iln inxight into thc tltrccttun l‘ottstmuxtcrs lead tltcir tnctnbcrs to gain bcttcr confidence. hcrtcr ~pccch. bcttcr communication and better lcndcn'hip. i’ivc ntcnthcrs of thc nudicncc wch Ill ll At ltt|\, -\uc _ Scpl Willi called upon to give one minute im- promptu talks on various topis drawn on the spur of the moment. Fran Pearce. President of the Nassaga- wcya Women‘s institute, was chosen by secret ballot to have delivered the best off-the-cul‘f Speech. A fun bou- quct of tissue flowers was presented to her. Accompanying Danny Bowers were Toastmaster members Bob Rowlanâ€" son, Fred deRee and Ed Riley. They discussed the many facets of moving ing before a ground people, TUN- master Bob R'owlanson assured ei ï¬t" one that while the butterflies may never go away at least they can be taught to fly in formation. _ Nassagaweya‘ will receive positive coverage as the film of this exerting evening is? on 'Halton Cable Television in tho-vary near future- Katharine; Nassng‘nw’dyn' I ‘