abuse quiz Haw mud]de you know about child abuse? Answer rhefollorring ques- nons to ï¬nd out. The questions were supplied by Ross Dawson. executive director of‘Family and Children Services in Oxford County a! an F H'IC warth - Fallawlflg "Fe quiz. there are some points on who: H'I mwubcn run d0'_lO TRUE 0R FALSE? L Usually children are sexually abused by strangers. (FALSE) In the majority of cases the child lmows the abuser. it is oï¬ena father, relative or neighâ€" bor. (teach children abuse by thoseknown and close to them.) Usually some form of violence or force is involved. (FALSE) Certain adults take advantage of a child's trust. Children have been taught to not answer back, to be polite and to have respect for adults. Usually the child is provocative. (FALSE) The child is acting in a certain way or asking for the abuse they receive. A child is a child and behaves as a child. If the be- haviour affects the offender it is his problem, not the child’s. Most people who sexually abuse children are mentally ill. (FALSE) lamest cases the offender is not mentally ill. There are some offenders who are mentally ill; ie. Clifford Olsen. i. Sexually abused children are abused repeatedly. (TRUE) Statistics show that in the case of the offender being a stranger, it is none-time affair. However, if the offender is a family member, the abuse is repeated. Family member abuse begins by brushing. many mothers working, children are left with a father or neighbor or baby sitter. In some my instances. abuse begins inâ€" decently; ic. loneliness â€" Father is left with a teenage daughter. 5- Most mothers know if their children,=are abused. (FALSE) Many mothers do not know the child tells them. Mothers Who often do know of hMIIaild's abuse will not squeal ii traitendous family upheaval. 39' othersgooutofthe family 7. Male adolescent baby > '9 often offenders with Mild] girls. What Can We As Wl Members Do? I. Be informed: read; attend work- shops; view ï¬lms. videotapes: speakers. 2. Make sure to prepare our chil» dren and grandchildren better than we were prepared; ic. Who might approach them? How do they look? Where can they gel help? Tell children some adults cannor be lruslcd. 3. If a child confides in you con- cerning physical or verbal abuse first. believe the child. Tell them you have done the right thing, I‘ll get help for you. Contact your local F.C.S. 4. In your branches work with local police. schools. day care centres. on street prooï¬ng programs, or encourage your school system to put sexual abuse programs in local schools. Wl branches could set up their own Operation Safe child with National Video. Each Child has his own personal video- tape. These tapes are mosl helpful to the policeil‘a child is missing. 5. Parents, adults play "Hot or Cold“ or “What If" games with children. This can he done casu- ally while riding in a car or an mealtime. 0. Writc to your local polnrcium. Express your concerns about [he inadequate protection for our children about [he \munl all lenders and nlmul changing lllL' law, Ask the polilit‘iuns In :IL‘l on the rccomnrcndulions ol llic Budglcy rcpurl. Express your concern on lhc 1-1 month Llcluy. Wrilc: local M.l’. Minister of .luslrcc Hon. John (‘rusliic l’nrliamcnl Building ()Hnwn, ()nlurio KIA llAh Changes good. continued from page 4 new members and getting the active ones to take ofï¬ces. The younger women are usually working outside the home and are just too tired to join another time consuming activity. There doesn’t seem to be any solution. The members we have are getting older and tired too. Perhaps if we become less structured with less paper- work, it will help. I certainly hope so. because I feel the WI has a lot going for it, and is important particularly in the country where it has its roots. I hope we never forget that. As an isolated farm wife, it is my one social uclivily and keeps lllL‘ lmm being cut oil from my put-rs. l1 gist-t. mc a chance lo contribute to lhc community. I sincerely prny I‘m um survival. Margaret Ferguson Casllefnrd Branch Editor's now: rlrcrc seems I n he a little confusion surrounding the motm/ slogan. The mono. For Home and Country, has not been replaced by Women '5 hummus": Woman In valved. The loner is a slogan to be user] In promole W] in (be next few years; H dc C .lllly, Ann, Supt. I‘JXG ll