One of the first district projects as the establishment of a County holarship Fund in 1951. The interest cm the fund would provide an nual award for a deserving Lamb- . n North student who wished to . ntinue in the ï¬eld of nursing, home onomics, nutrition or textiles. Bus trips were also a district fea- l e. New York City was visited by .- members. Many members and ‘ends enjoyed a trip to Expo 67 in iontreal. A friendship bus tour was 0 made to Northern Ontario. The . Women’s clubs were visited in .ichigan and they were entertained , Lambton North as well. The branches of Lambton North ve supported projects such as the ve the Children Fund, the Inter- tional Scholarship. and the Adelaide oodless Homestead Fund. They 1 ve also supported the Red Cross, e Sick Childrens' Hospital. the ' ' vation Army. the Sunbeam School ‘ is" r the Retarded and several nursing me auxiliaries. Over the years the topics covered workshops, extension courses and . on courses have been varied. Some , , mples are public speaking, choral ', - ing. banquet procedures, modern 5‘ dieines and their uses, and the . king of hats. The Tweedsmuir History records ‘ ‘7 ow that the branches of Lambton ' rth presented awards at schools d fairs. helped ï¬re victims and ‘ y families, sponsored an adopted 1 ' d from an underprivileged ecuntry ’ presented flags and flag poles to th schools and parks. Also menâ€" ned are work bees at rural cem- ries, a Christmas Carol Festival d purchasing an old School house _ a meeting hall. To support all e activities branches entered ts in Centennial parades, held , , phone euchres, sold cook books. i ï¬nned booths at ball parks and } Qunsored dances. '5 1‘ aw in 1986-87 the work of the men‘s institute continues. As the ï¬nches keep up with the times. y of the projects are changing but 3 munity involvement remains . Glass and paper drives encourage “ rvation. Branches help canvas the Canadian Cancer Society. ? A Plaque was presented to llnrwi'uk Central School. lurntitrm's .Ilr.\'l l't'IlH‘tJl school, on the school's 25th unnm-rnrrr. .»l xlmrt humrr of lltt' \r'html mtrl it list oftrll its principals appear on the pinquu from lrjf't to I‘t_l:lll, tln- pnm-nn-n are Sue Williams. district director," :lltlrï¬l‘ Juries. fln'fltlr'nl,‘ A lll'.\Hlt' .\ ltm'r, t‘ltn’lnt't‘ curator (and the fourth author of this llh‘lrit‘l (lltl‘rl'l. Rr'r‘t'tl'tttu tlu' [rim/nu t Ken Williams. school principal. Social functions include bake salt-s. fashion shows and card parties. Looking over a year's prngruins one can see topics of discussion such as uses of microwave ovens and coin- puters. use and abuse of prescription drugs, choosing the right "scrtsnn" for yourself and tying scarves. Muny branches invite Rotary exchange students to give insight into me Ill other countries. As W.l. nicmhcrs travel more, there are many truvcl- rogues and slide shows of plnccs that have been visited. Some activities have rcninincd the same. Lambton North branches \[ill give an award to a student in Grade II family studies. A pcnmunship award is given at the Grade 4 level. Prizes are awarded at local full fairs. Women’s Institute members are quite active in ctrâ€"sponsoring Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food courses. The most recent courses have been Food in the Microwch and Red Masts. Our branches sponsor several 4-H clubs as well. including Actionwear, Dairy Fair. Computers, and Horticulture. Fund raising to pay for our cont munity service projects is still one of the functions of the branches. This is done by Dutch auctions. rummage sal and catering to meals. Funds are needed to support provincial projects such as Water for All and the “H. Museums. Also local groups k Red Cross. Salvation Army. hamcs far lll'l\\L‘Ll mothers nntl homo tin .iliiist-rt \\‘l\L‘5 itiul lttliillicx utc \liiinplt sttpputtcd. RCL‘L‘IllI)’ :t quilt \lltm .tlttl \.llt' t\;lheld at lilllll‘lltlll llcritnizc Mttu‘llttl Ril\'l‘ll\\\0ttkl\\'tll1]t‘ll‘\lll\llltl[(|‘1t) vitlctl I'chh \lruu licin ltuls untl \Lllltl niches in the ten morn nntl mukcrl on u quill lu \llLlW lllL‘ :trt Ul quilting. the other branches in lllL‘ District were present huntlinp out liltlt'lllllt'nlul lulkiuit :tliont lltslitulc work to the \‘isitnn. Alum: “‘llll llll‘ll lilo t‘lttlrcx lltL'y lnul u -l' \' H' pitinuumn htirlrtl illlLl Hlltlt‘ slimy ln lllll'xllHlL' \V,l, work in lnrnliltiil county. in July. 45 0! our nicnilicn :ic ccptcrl :tn invitation ll't'tlll the Mtchi grin l".'ll‘ltl liureuu Wontcn Im' u tlnv visit. Allt‘l (I sinnruttsluuil rncnl, grunt-x were ltcltl, lllltl then .m cut-n Hull] worlth sliuwt'tl HllllL‘H ill ll)’,rl culture Ill liurnpt'. It \vns must Ill Icrcstiug IU meet with our mutilcr ptll‘lS west of here. rl'lic most recent pinich lot the District is to put lllt'LL'IllL‘l lhc l-nuliclrl Furnin Puppct Kit to he used Ill th- locul schools in [he teilcliiiui nl :utri culture and zigricullure-rclutcd topics. Also. plrtns urc underway to visit the Ontario Agricultural Mllhk‘lllll in Milton, the lirlzmd lcc Museum Home, and the Adelaide lltltltilL‘HH llurncstcud in the full. Larnbton North District hits been and continues to he quietly worktop, "For Home and Country." H Jr C Oct. Ncw. Dec. I986 l‘)