Resources from the ROS Branch Is your group wondering what educational programs could be of tiered as part of this year's acti\ ities'.’ Before you request a program or a speaker. the first thing to do is determine your group's needs. What are your members interested in‘.7 What information or training does your group require to do a better job as it“ organization? Once you know what your members would like to huie. the next step is to locate some rewurecs to plan the program yourself or find an outside speaker. l‘ecl lrcc to turn to Rural Organi- /£ilittn'~ and Services (ROS) Branch sintt tor advice. There are some programs they may be available to RURAL LEADERSHIP present themselves. Some of the programs already in existence or being planned, include time management, personnel manage- Farm Labour Pools change nam Agl'lL'UllUl’tll ltmployment Serf \It'ex |\ the new name for the ( .lll‘dthl li‘llrlh Itihotir Pools. \\ ll\ ‘.' lo holler reflect the services that Llft.‘ LlV’dllllhlL‘ to the agricultural community Vi IIA'I ARI‘: TIII‘ISI‘. SERVICES? 1 determine loetil agricultural labor loree requirements through eon~ llllLlUlh liiiisoii with employch prtn itie human resource planning ll\‘s|\lllnL‘C to fur mers and the agri~ L’llllllnll industry recriiil untl rcl‘er qiitilil'ietl workers In stumble agricultural employment illfllllllt.‘ \villi the affiliated (Xanadu l‘inployment Centres for the recruitment and movement 0i. tllelllUllLll agricultural workers that may he required from outside Ilie local tireu :irrunge tor daiily transportation ul‘ agricultural workers‘ il‘ appropriate prmide worker ttl‘lL‘lllLlllOll and maintenance :issixiiinee " identify agricultural training requirements “ promote good employment stan- dards in accordance with guidelines established by Local Agricultural Employment Board (LAEB) ment on the farm, farm family budgeting, volunteer managemen{ starting your own business, and adapting to change. There are many other resources which the Ontario Ministry of Agni. culture and Food (OMAF) can pm vide for your group’s members to use at their own program. Then: resources include videos, presenta. tion kits. and short courses, and cover a range of topics from far-mt goal setting to microwave cookirti Remember program resources tll’t‘ available from many differz'iri places. The onus is on you to den-r. mine what your group needs, mid ï¬nd a way to provide it. :9 * assist in the delivery of fer? ii and provincial employment t n. grams that affect the agriculr =r :l labor market To find out more, contact mt nearest Agricultural Employ: trill Services office. Conference for volunteers Interaction '88, a provincial con- ference on volunteerism, will be held May 29 to June 1. 1988 at the Constellation Hotel, Dixon Road, Toronto. The 2 1/2 day program is targeted til people involved in an admini- strative role in a volunteer group whether they are paid or not. It is intended to address the needs of: l. volunteer administrators 2, government employees with an interest in the volunteer sector 3. volunteer board members 4 volunteer leaders The conference program will in- clude topics such as volunteer management; training staff to work with volunteers; evaluatior. of volunteer programs; fundrm t lg: financial controls and budge mg; legal liabilities and insurance; f wire trends in volunteerism; multiei n llT- alism; and team building. The). .llL‘ just a few ofthe potential 60 t :rr'k- shops to be offered. Some work‘ wt“ will also be available in Frcnr 5 Registration fees: $145 before March 30 $160 before April 30 $175 after April 30 For more information and regi- stration booklets you may contact Cathy Labbett, Ontario Assocruuon of Volunteer Bureaux/Centrea, lll Merton St., Suite 207, Toronto, M48 3A7, 416 487-6139. N I it H at C February, March 1988