.miilm all of Ill: Wit His- mes. "Baum h'stories prqxlmd ‘ “mum’s Institute groups of their moo-operative htsmncal effort ‘ «he “law's Institute and the Depart- ',snnstheesuilidmtattltt:0nrario ricululfl] Museum of the “bmcn‘s -untteHa|l.Thisbuilding is parrot Museum‘s cross-mas community ' a 1928 Conununity Hall :tt the Wounds Institute is holding WWW Its role hrsieismactasa springboard for usaioabrurbauvisitors ofthe im- unt educational and social role of 01W in rural Ontario. I 1982. the Rural Organizations and has Branch was formed. Several A look at (It: WI in I938 â€" during (I visit la the Ontario Agricultuml thmm. rural groups, such as hurticultum muc- ties and Junior Farmers. us well its “bmen's Institutes. came undcr the auspices of this new branch. A mini \mmcn's courdmumr nus mum-d tn liaise with the Women's lnatttutcy Four years iillL‘r. the Federated Women's Institutes of Onturtn .mtl thc Ontarin Ministry of Agrwullurc and Fnud cntcrcd tntu tin ugrcctm-nt cnnhlr ing FWIO tu hirc Ila min cxccutnc scurrtnry tn run the WI ul'licc The |;l.\l nint‘ly-unt: yuan hint \cvn many L‘hangcs Ill the rclutmnslup hrt “'L‘Cl'l Lhc Dcpunmcnt nl~ Agnculturu ttml the Wumcn‘x lnslitulc nunctnunl‘ l‘hcw chunng rcllcct the gruwth nntl rim-[up tncnl 0|; litcsc hut nrgdntlrtltntts :Is scpumtc cntitm. hut cluscly linked n Ilil thctr cntntnnn pull the upltlt nl l1ll.|i lilt‘. Tht~ hialnrit‘ul basis ul' [ilL‘ll tt‘ltt tinnship mll wntutnc tn urtth lhcm Ill thc l‘ututc tome and Country Readership Survey rm and Cowury radars are very \ people. That'r probably no sur- croanynnereadingthis. but it was 2me conï¬rmed by the results of the .tenl'rip questionnaire mailed to Jan in April. I988. If the sample up it upruentative of the total ‘lcnhip. Indl turpect that it is. then MUM belong we organizations. may-six WI of x chow full time milligrka dump-Id: ll-l3md30per‘ Umntpletarlgnde Rimless. HOME &C0untry ¢W-urâ€"r-.-. un I‘ll-I- .loyce Canning \ 9'4 1 H working on it hilluilli Mnny rupunilcnts expressed truntrntiun about receiving tuner after deadline; printh tn the magazine hnd pus.»- cd. Dcspitt.‘ lhih‘ the nu» jnrity still felt that built mailing is sntisfttctnry and that the ll‘lllgllllnl‘ should cnntinuc us it quancrly publicatiun. Only In percent wanted to have it published more oflcn. Nearly all of ynu in- dicated that you fuund the magazine easy ta read; 48 percent read most and l2 percent read all of the magazine; 85 percent an: moderately In very satisï¬ed with the content or the mapzinc. Readers are most interested in thc “What's Happening" and "lnfunnntinn Pages" sections of the magazine and "Wbmen in Proï¬le" rated higth as well. The extent to which leadership and cornumer information articles are read \ct‘tttcri ht \ttt‘)‘ ptt‘utly thil lltL‘ cum-p tiun nl' Juntm thn'n's lnstttnlt- int-tn hen. hmwrt'L tnml l‘t'lellllik‘llih ttnlit'n ted than they Itml run! all nt‘ wuu- ul L'Jlk'il ul thc lll‘lltï¬it‘k chuwn lnt IilL‘ xuru‘). Many nl tln- lnmun unlimch thnl thry "tltd nut mnuinlwt“ Ihu illlll'iCN TItL‘ Cxlcnl In \rhtt‘h ill'ilt'it“. Ill Hnmr and tf‘utmn \‘ :llt‘ tliwtmril :tl utruttnps UT llNL'li il" il lL'KIllIl‘L'L' illl llll‘L'illI’! prcpttrttltnn :tlm mum utt'nli)‘ l'Illy‘ ttutc porn-tit nl Ihc Intnl u-slmntlvnl pmup Indtrntml wtnv uw and “2 ‘t pm L’L‘lll at the pl‘tWIlk‘ltli IIHlk't‘H trap-ind L'd ptmllvciy. iitM‘L‘Vl‘l. 5K [K‘lL’t‘lll ul lill‘ lWl and (ill ll‘lL'L‘lli nl Iht‘ ItItIIt \tntnrn‘» groups ’u'llti "nu" hi this :tspt-t‘l at “W questiunttntrr. Tilt: Humr um] (immrt‘ L‘Iillllllili ml visory L'UlllllllllL'L' It: nul witnl yult tuttzltl uttll u "Ittluxchnhi [titrttad' Mutt‘ Ilinn (ill pctccnl nl' till: rcspuntlcnls wcru Illl nwnrc that this wntuttllcc cunts. (st-t- the Oct Nmn Du: Ishuc‘ 1937. pp. 1 I'm an inlrl‘tdttctinnJ Suntc nl th' lllL‘lIIhL‘lh rm this cnmtnlllnc Will be changing, [his illiit l wuuld like In any n sincch “thunk ynu†In all with !C\phnticli In “in Linc-t tinnnuirc. I sent “()5 (rant pcr grnup tn the heat of my knuwlctlgc) and MI war.- returned int n tchpunsc rule it! 75 per- ccnt. This in an exceptionally high I'L" lurn which assurcy that tiny \lullhhu derived from this study are truly characteristic of the group as u whnic, H 8r. C Oclubcr‘ November Willi l3