What ’s happenin .lnycewille Women‘s Institute F« It Lh: punt l8 Chmlmaxcs‘ members til Juyrm Ill: WI haw: hmttd a part) for utuu \cnlnr utlzuns A bullet lunch IS \crwd. llillnwcil h). carol \inglng and cmcrtmnmcnt ()t'cuurxu. Mr and Mrs ('liiu» aucnd and gnu nut small gills made by lhu Wl mcmhcrs, Springfnrd “timen‘s Institute in lhc mil. Springtnrd Wl In L'UUpCflr tum u nth lht; ('Jnlurlu Hurlbgc Founda- llllll. rcwgmrcd the lalhcr of lrcc rural lllilll Llclnrr}. and .i lnrmur lumnxhlp Fl'WllLTll, (iurtgu thurx A plaque. uut- llllllllj Mr Wilu-t'x Ltusntlu lur rurul III-til u'n lLL', um PlJLL'Ll Ill thc \llt.‘ til lllL' new. \prlnglurtl (unmmml) Hull lnur gcrlctziltnnx Ill th' Wilcox lumlly -lllL'l|I.lL‘l.l th' upmml Lurctnnn} Willow (lrnu- \‘l'nrncn‘s Institute 1w: llllL'l'L'\lll'l}__' gucu \pculwrx WL‘I‘L’ lL'yIIIJIL'll .Il lull Inn'an ('hiilrnmn Ul‘ ‘Jullk'l Jl'lll \mtngc .tlltl wlul \\;1\lL‘ lnr llilllllllltllltl Nllllllll‘.. mummy \pnku ill unu Hr tllNLll‘VNL‘ll thu rcgltinul Lmtllill ~.|l<.'\ .mtl will \IIlL‘ tun nl gitrhugc iL'QtlL-il in $15 mun] Inr thc [Minter \tnnc ldL'~|\ (lll unyx In rL'llLlL'L' gzirhugc ui'rc itlm pruunlul lun Ii‘prL'aL'ntitllu's ll’Hnl lllL‘ ll.mull<vn .Illll [mum Klklflt‘} l‘uundir llUll ul (funmln prL-wtilL-tl tnlurnmllnn un lllL‘ ntyunl/imnn .lllLl KltlllL‘) “MUN; llurmltmn \MunL-n's Instituti- litiinclt Illclnhcrs iitu pmud til lllL‘ Ruhcrtwn Shc rcwnll} iiutltnrul it htmlx L'.Ill\.‘d Burns- mwn RL‘II’IUIthI'L‘ll TllL‘ hut-L Is .1 ml, IllL‘lIth‘l M.irgurul lL‘\l1||l1 IIl llllL‘llelllll \lllllL“. nn llu‘ lll‘xll‘l') and PL‘HPIL‘ Itl 1hr tillilgu Hmunstlllc “'omm'x lmlilulu Mcnthcn ll.l\L‘ bcun busy with u mncl}; Ill .lLll\'|llL‘\ A \]\l[ In [he sludiu ul .i luuil arm! and .i Inur nl‘ thc Jurdun Mun-um recently. luple ut mucungx lim‘c mcludcd natural lllL'LllL'lnL‘ and Ntuguru Num‘c Indians, Thu group I.\ mmlwd in th‘ Community (‘luh Award Prngruni and turned $405 lust ycur. wurc urgunllud West Oxford Women’s Institute The dedication of the school bell from the former Folden's Public School, was sponsored by West Oxford WI in the fall; A special cairn was built to suppon the bell. outside the Elden‘s Community Hall. The chainmm of the Oxfom County Board of Education chaired mg event. Other special guests iniludm former students and teachers, 1W. rump councillors, the mayor. and the 1qu MPP. 0n Nnr. 23. l988 the Norfolk Junior “(men 's Instinct: presented a chequel w [1' llll' [nndnn Rnriald McDonald House. me lg? to right are Norfolk 1W1 ‘ "m (“and Gmxmtur and Gail Jmid. rrtanager afLondan Ronald McDonald Hm "50' Gnnvburg. Georgette Atkins presenting the cheque. and Thomas Judd with : WI Shunm Judd. The photo was taken in ï¬nal of the Tree of Love which will 'I l? lltllll‘fe’d with an acorn engraved with Junior Hbmen's Institutes for Illeir Ll' . M If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the abiltt to get the other person '5' point of View and see thingsï¬ï¬‚tv‘ her angle a: well as your own. I l I l 1 Henry Fonl ll H & C February, Murch 1989