~ Helen 1. Young Have you ever been a guinea pig for a it scheme? My husband, Doug. and I, along with r'.i and Bill Boaler. our visitors from ni'aabwe, Africa were among the ï¬rst to an the new Federated Women‘s In- ‘n ;es of Ontario (FWIO) Hospitality Ex- p he on our holiday together from Oct. t t 20. t :ryl is aWI member in Zimbabwe and .t just been a delegate at ACWW in at as City. She and Bill were travelling ‘ limited budget, so we decided the \ 0 Hospitality Exchange would be a o Jerful opportunity for them to see A s of our province. e chose a section to visit where Doug l had not been before. and made arran- = ents through our local FWIO board iv .tor some time in advance. i}; travelled north from Port Dover On . Erie to Tobermory and across to titoulin Island on the last sailing for the - on of the Chi-Cheemaun on a very ‘y day. Sunday dinner for [0 in the ng room of Bernadette and Floyd -ker followed at Gore Bay. where we learned of warm northern hospitality. x I though the temperatures dipped to ring outside. loris Bell gave us a conducted tour of . titoulin island next day and we visited ‘ ry nook and cranny right to Meldrum . The Gordon WI of which both Ber- ‘ette and Doris are members. invited us ‘pecial guests to a pot luck dinner that ning and they showed us slides of the ll'ld, recalling many spots we had visited *lier that day. We spent the two nights in ‘ t: Walker fannhome. Next day we drove from Gore Bay to -hitefish.just west of Sudbury. Our din- cr hosts were Gillian and Bob Catto -. hose home is nearly at the end of the world. along the beautiful Penage River. Our hostess for the next two nights was Mails Ojampera whose home is on a penin- sula on Penage Lake. We had a day at Science North in Sudbury. playing with all the exhibits like school children. That evening we enjoyed a pot luck supper as guests of the Penage Road W1. Our husbands were taken to a local Lions/Lioness meeting while Beryl was guest speaker at the WI meeting. ll'l FWIO hostess Muilu Ojnmpt'r'u {ftjlil yt'i'c'ts (word/rm Berri lilltift'l (t t'HH 1-) run] l'I‘rh-n Young. To ï¬nd out more about the lll'\\ I‘Wltl Exchange Program. I‘cail lilt‘ story on Illlpage. and L'Ulllill'i the provincial hoard director In your HlthiH Non. Thursday morning we started heading south. stopping al the Wye Marsh Conscr- vation Area. near Midland. Our hospitality that night was at the home of Irma and Al Shortl in Meaford. Not only did we enjoy excellent Il‘i'lr-u I. l'unnt- l.\ Ptt'snli'nl Ill Iavun'tlh' hospitality. but we made many new ll'l. friends. See Ontario, the FWIO way 7 ltht‘l other WI Incnthcrs. By Gillian Calto (Fifinm ( 'ulln I,\ UH l-ll'lU Ilmn'd Hum lrl/ (Hit, t’uu/u'hnrlx’s I/ti‘ ha! rut ln'r lmnn'i Hill pun-r, Do you know there is a long list of Women‘s Institute mcmhcrs willing to offer hospitality to other Wl metnhers and their spouses? This list is gradually being expanded to cover the whole province and it will soon be possible to have a wonderful holiday for very little cost. To cover the hostcss' costs. the FWIO Board has set :1 $l0 per person per night donation. This will also remove any cm- barrassment about asking for accommodar tion. This list is updated yearly and is avail‘ able from your board director. Eventually i hope there will be a copy in every dislricl. Please think to use this list when plan, ning your trips as it is a wonderful way In mum Marih. ArTrF. M.†ll at ti