By Rosemary Moran "It’s summertime and the living is easy!" It can be hard to enjoy as the temperature soars to 34 degrees and the humidex of 44 degrees, but by the time you read your Home and Country ROSE Garden, autumn will have arrived and the steam heat will be forgotten. I sincerely hope your summer has been fun; a time to renew friendships and visit families and friends. All too soon we will be back to boots, heavy coats and mittens. Our Provincial Board has been busy and productive. At our April meeting we successfully passed the budget and Board Rosemarysitswith_FWl0delegatesattheFWlC Members and Ofï¬ce Staff participated in a Conferenceln Red Deer,Albertam June. ‘Wrainstorming session. Many interesting and unique ideas were shared which was both encouraging and ‘ otivating! The round table exercise is still a successful means to get new ideas for our organization. The Caribbean Societies Project has been thriving. I would like to thank the Members for all the donations that were sent to these ladies. Your support has been outstanding. Mary Janes, our International Ofï¬cer would like some feedback as to how many Branches and Members contributed to this. Please contact Mary directly with this information. Her contact information can be found on page 6. We can still participate in this project and I am sure the members of these societies will appreciate any floss or craft supplies that we can send to them. Sometimes we take so much for granted, and a small skein of embroidery floss means so much. We had a great Ontario Member showing at the FWlC conference in Red Deer. Arthena Hecker and myself attended the FWlC Board meetings which were a new learning experience for me. There were many motivational and inspiring speakers. AND...after attending a rodeo after three days of rain, you learn not to sit in the front row! The "Into the North†project is still ongoing â€" be sure to watch for more information on this endeavour! Your Provincial Board, consisting of volunteer Branch Members, which the Membership has elected, is working diligently to meet the needs of Women’s Institute. We are open to suggestions and ideas to help our organization grow and keep healthy. We know our Province is very large and every corner has different needs. I believe in the last ten years since our separation from OMAFRA, that we have done a marvellous job for a group of volunteer Members. We should be proud of our accomplishments and we can always learn from our mistakes. Keep up the good work in W.l. For Home and Country, .osemary Moran l“ mex‘! *‘ L “21031 ‘m’ reï¬nish?!" ~ L'ï¬â€˜ltvï¬j “6" 1mm».