htorr Districts Host ithigun Chapters Last summer. Lambton North and South District Women's Institutes entertained 56 members of the Lapeer and Mecomb County (Michigan) chapters of the Family a Community Education Association (FOE). A potluck lunch was followed by a theatre presentation of "Menopa tree, †the musical at the Victoria Playhouse In Petrolla. Catherine McKinnorl, who starred In the show, was the surprise luncheon speaker. Shown in the photograph lrorn left to right Apple Pies Sell «3 like Hot Cakes! Their first ever apple pie sale was a great start to the Kawertha-Woodlands Wl's Christmas Hamper Fund. Members gathered on several occasions to roll out the dough, para, slice and spice apples and put it all together. Over 160 pies were made for customers who ordered the plea in time for Thanksgiving delivery. Over 5475 was are Mary Janas » Lambton Nonh District Free/dent. Joyce Weiss - FCE Michigan President, Judy Lamphere - FCE International Convener and Mona May Thompson - Lambton South District President. Submitted by Mary lanes . .rsums Around the World The International Affairs Committee at the New Dundee Women's institute presented a program called “Christmas Around the World." Members were coatumaa from numerous countries and each read a brief _ report, which touched on traditions and I Christmas carols of that particular ,rï¬ ' country. Shown from left to rlghtarelsabei I Kozlciri - British isles, Becky Heck â€" 7 Nigeria, Jean Weber - Judea. Linda Stoitz I - Bolivia, Patricia Zimmerman - France, Blanche Simpson - Australia and Ruth Howling â€" Canada. Submitted by Becky Heck, New Dundee Wl, Waterloo. Guelph Area. raised that went toward helping area families have a better Christmas. This Branch also hosts an annual Shopping bus trip to Toronto in support oi the Hamper Fund. Submitted by Karen Woolley, Kawanha-Woodlallds WI. Pelerborcugh. Trent Valley Area "Thinking of You " {ï¬ne of the many projects that the Russell ‘ J- Village Women‘s Institute takes seriously is their “Thinking of You“ Gift Basket. For individu- als going through periods oi intense emotional 0" Physlcal stress, it sometimes makes their burdens easier to bear just knowing that people around them care and take notice. Whether it is Omeone experiencing loneliness alter the loss q a companion, undergoing major surgery or 6filing with business failure and financial strains, itcan all be so emotionally and physically draining. As a group that is involved in many facets of community life, we know of and learn about individuals who could use a reminder that some- one cares. Accordingly, we make up a ‘Thinking of You" Gift Basket appropriate to the situation. We are trying to minister to ourcommunity in this way. The need is out there and the response has been so very gratifyingl Indeed, this is a project that other institutes could quite easily take onl Flecoup erating patient Lydia Nyanlramp was presented with 8 "Thinking of You†Gilt Beeketiram Russell Village member Din y Achtereekte. Submitted by Jean Williams, FRO, Russell Village WI, Russell. Easlem Area West Shore Women's Institute members. family and friends gathered at St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in DriI/ia to honour Ethel Maliett. She was born and raised in Kitchener, Ontario. After marrying her husband Charlie In 1940, they settled down to married lite In Brantforcl. Ethel de voted her time to human-raking and Charlie worked on farms throughout his life, Ethai and Charlie moved from Brantiord to Markham, and than to Orlllla in the early 19605. After Charlie's death, Ethel worked as a live-in caregiver and housekeeper lor several seniors in the area. Ethel Ia always busy with her hobbies of knitting, sewing, crochetlng, quilting and other crafts. As a 30-year Women's institute member, Etheihas held many offices. Including Resolutions Convener, Tweedsn‘luir Curator, Treasurer and Coins tor Friendship Convener. As a W pro/act, Ethel ls cur- rently making lap robes and woolen hate for the residents of the Orlilta Care Center and for the Red Cross. Ethel can be seen early in the morning shopping in downtown Orlllia or at the Fermere‘ Market. Ethel is a very active senior, who Is an inspiration to either friends. Suhlmlled by Wilma Caner, Wasl Shore Wi, Slmcoe East. Simcue Area Home it Country, Winter 2004 ll