his is my lastcolumn as President of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO). It is the end ofNovember and the combine is still harvesting beans. In spite of unsettled weather last fall, we still have much for which to be thankful. Many members around the province have expressed concern about the future of the Women's Institute in Ontario. How ever, we now have the greatest opportunity to grow and share our vision through the ROSE Program The Provincial Govern- ment has shown faith in our organization by giving us an extremely generous Trillium Grant of $223,000 to continue ' h the ROSE Program. It is now upto the hers to grasp this opportunity and to share the vision by promoting the ex- panded ROSE Program to their communities in all parts of the province. PADDLE to a cure H art's-Riggs Women's Institute was one of the major sponsors of a program called “Paddle to a Cure†when 62-year old member Jane Fiobinson (left) and her daughter in-Iaw Wendy (right) decided to participate, The pro gram entails a series of ï¬ve kayak trips designed to raise money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Each participant needed to raise $2.500 to take part in the adventure. Jane and Wendy, along with six other partici- pants and tour guides. kayaked along Georgian Bay irom Killarney Provincial Park to Britt. These ambitious outdoor types paddled approximately 20 kilometers per day for seven days from July . to August 2. Along the way, they tented and glared their meals as a self-supporting group. - ne's group, “Trip Two" appropriately named "Women on the Way," raised $26,481 on their arduous trek. The five trips in 2003 contributed The Provincial Board of Directors has been listening to members as the structure and strategic plan of the organization un- dergoes revision. These revisions were presented at the FWIO Annual Meeting in January 2004. These decisions are neces- sary to enable the Handbook Committee to continue with the necessary updates. Such changes are also necessary in order to maintain our organization in a fast»paced and constantly changing world All of us are excited about the war stories book that will be available some time in late spring or early summer. Thank you to the 230 members who took the time to share their memories. Although the time- line for the book has been extended beyond the original plan. we know that our editor of Home & Conn/rt. Janine Roelcns» Grant. will produce a product that will be in great demand. After all. 3.000 copies of From This Flare sold out with next to no marketing! Thanks to all who contributed to the 123 quilt blocks submitted to the Erland Lee (Museum) Home. While there tire enough to make quilts fora few years. the first quilt will be ready for the FWIO Provincial Conference in June 2004. We are planning ‘9 a cure." “ M l 1 Iburn. Y‘ Vii-nape Of ope , a . a total of $131,000. And since the program be- gan tour years ago, $752,000 has been raised for this worthy cause. According to Jane. the group benefited emo- tionally. as well as physically, from this challenging adventure. The dynamics of women working together for a common cause was a wonderful experience. The money raised by this to sell tickets throughout the province with the proceeds going toward the upkeep of the Lee Home. The Lee Committee will make photos ofthis first quilt available to help promote sales: watch for them! Please make note that the Provincial Conference will be held at Durham College in Oshawa in June. How many of you are planning to attend this educational and fun~filled weekend? This is a great time to meet members from around the province. your national President. and likely some visitors from the United States as well. Thank you to all the members who took me into their homes as I traveled around Ontario during conventron time and for other functions. You are all so generous with your lime and love for one another. Always remember. “that in the big things of life. we are one." On your behalf and forever in WI. Din/me Orr' Outgoing FWIO President Dianne Orr rs the outgorng PresidentofFWlO She can be reached at RR 1, Conn ON N06 7N0. Phone 5193457611110 Fax 579- 8-18-3476, Email wdorrwaylrjflreespace net kayaking adventure will be used to support the fight against breast cancer through research. education. awareness. diagnose and effective treatment. With a focus on quality of life for those living with the disease, Hart's-Riggs members are proud oi Jane and Wendy and hope that their efforts will inspire others to strike out on the rewarding adventure ol helping people. Submitted by Gayle Ketcheson, Presrdent. Han‘sR/ggs Wl, Hasrings North, Trent Valley Area. Gift Memberships - A Great Idea! Per-raga Road WI member Gillian Cairo (right) presented a Gift Membership to FWIO fa Dr. Llnda Ambrose (left), author o! For Home and Country: The Centennial History of the Women's Institutes in Ontario. Submilled by Pat Brunne PRO Fenags Fload WI. Sudauw North central Home & Country, Winter 2004 3