MRDD Update .4) Kelly Marshal|»Ruthertord Fall is a time for change and a time to prepare for the winter to come. As FWIO prepares to implement its new Strategic Plan this fall, it presents us with some positive changes that will assist to sustain FWIO so itcan thrive in the future There are many marketing and fundraising strategic objectives that will be implemented and the results will be rewarding to both Branches and the provincial level. I am particularly excited to be a part of this process. I have really enjoyed meeting and discussing marketing and fundraising ideas with WI members durâ€" ing the last few months! There have been an abundance of unique and constructive suggestions brought to the table. I would love to hear from more members! Let me know what FWIO means to you? What are some of the challenges you face rev uiting new members in your Branches? hat are some successful promotional activities you use'.7 Do you have any fundraising activities that you would like FWIO to consider implementing? Would you like to contribute in future provincial fundraising activities? Please feel free to contact me anytime! PLUG tNTo â€" I‘m pleased to announce the launch ofa valuable new marketing and educational FWIO‘s new website. wwwfwiopnica FBSOUI’CC - It features a multitude of information and resources. including: I FWIO Organizational lGeneral Infor- mation I Historical Achievements I Membership Opportunities (bene ï¬ts/types) & Branch Locator I Membership Services (which will fea- ture information just for members and Branches. ie downloadable logos for your promotional material. etc.) I ROSE Health Program I 2002-3003 Programming Ideas (pre- sented by the Education Committee) I Branch Program & Events Calendar (*now accepting your WIâ€"related listings!) I Tweedsmuir History I Scholarships & Awards I Current Resolutions I On-line Survey (to share your ideas) I Links to Various Organizations of Interest (to assist with programming. self-education. etc.) I Erland Lee Museum Home (includes educational programs. group booking information. and more) I What's New (a collection of informaâ€" tion from recipes to media releases). and much more! This new website has been made possi- ble through generous funding provided by the Ontario Women's Health Council (through the ROSE Health Program) and Dr, Harold Kim and family of Kitchener. Ontario. Feel free to include this website address in your Branch promotional material (brochures. posters. displays. etc.).1fyour Branch. District or Area is considering designing your own website. a direct link can be provided. Kelly Marshall-Rutherford is the Marketing 5 Resource Development Director for the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. we can be reached at 7382 Wellington Rd. 30, RR 5, Guelph ON NlH 612, PhD/19' 519-836-3078, Fax' 519-836-9455, Email: Hampshire Ardtrea Wl Celebrate Earth Week In celebration of Earth Week, one Saturday morning last April Carlyon Line in Severn Township was the scene of 11 busy volunteers picking up plastic, paper. tires, glass and other garbage discarded along the roadside. With garbage bags provided by the Township. Hampshire Ardtrea Women '5 Institute members and friends spent toursunny hours combing the roadside and ditches. The group appreciated the moral support provided by many passing motorists as they collected several truckloads of garbage. Pictured {ram left to right in the back row is Dorothy Loc‘krey. Mary Schulz. Nancy Cranney, Charlotte Pearce. Barb Clare and Bonnie Stafford. In the front row from left to right is Karen Teltord. Lois Telford, Krista Telfard, Virginia Mark and Marilyn Thomson. Submitted by Nancy Cranney, Hampshire Ardtrea WI, Simcoe East Home 3. Country, Fall 2002 7