; In a: ‘ n: l d 3N 15-; a: ID .905: y:.E‘o“ 0:312 eggo O>.g_= o-' a â€".'NE E9?“ 550 Hudquamn Fund "5le 5mm ammo 52:11:00 Vittoria WI Initiate Restoration of Historic Town Hall Ali‘s their millcnmuln pl’tthL'l. lilo Vilturru Wumcn's’ J flnstilulc iniliutcd :1 $30,110†rcxtnmlmn ol' tltcir historic Tuwn Hall whch tlic Brunch mccts regu- larly. The rcslnrntmn Included rcpmm In the ï¬cldslonc l’oundulinn. rcpurnlrng of thc original brickwork. reconstruction of the chimncys and rc- puirs and painting (ll lhc original windows. On the interior, a dropped ceiling was. rcmnvcd rcvczrling u unique scullupcd dcaign and lhc original culnur‘s. hutli ul \\ lllL'll \wru rupllL’ulL-tl in tlrc rcstnrntmn ()riginul \tcnciling tlvxrgm were nlm paiimluklngly rccrculcd A hnlmny. l‘ntttll'tlL‘tl up lul m lung that {cw vrllugcn I‘cnwmhcrutl Its cxlslcncc. was npcncd up agririi. 'I‘lic Viltnrm WI L'nnlrlhutud $150010 the restru'nlinn ul‘thc Town Hall. \VItIL‘ll will CllllllIIUC :15 thr: fowl purnt All local hlslury, lrcritngc and culture wcll inln lllL' ncxt millennium. Subm/llr‘dhy Fat (lurker, Vll'flfltl Wt, Norfolk _ WVIr I'vvuedsmuir Campetltmm ‘: 7 An I Hunuwt mm ‘0 InSlde: lmunv ermn comm-mm n Irnirlrnlrrlalwitut ulnirnn m ero (ommmw than M I [:(t-llurvrrln Aqliciillurr r, Dormlitm': Im H F'wsrdbnl'; Column t BMW hung Out / lw' Harm-[(414qu 13 Board Brieï¬ng; 4 tnmmnq l5 lllelonq H I um Immlw ' alwvlm 1" l5 '1 HOSI Health Program 0 Im ‘fmlr Irilnrrnntmn IE- moa Convention Hate)