C/iday, Qiday .rom the Valley June is WI Month. What a great way to celebrate by hosting the 23'“ Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Women ofthe World (ACWW). Members from around Ontario, across Canada and from most corners ofthe world will gather in fellowship, to share and to learn. Throughout the eight days ofthe Confer- ence participants will debate resolutions and recommendations, listen to speakers and reports. participate in discussion groups and Ontario Day and enjoy entere tainment. The Displays and Sales Room will feature the twelve quilts and nine cush» ion covers made from the international Quilt Block Competition entries, provide information on ACWW and have a tempt ing variety of items for sale, The FWlO Provincial Board sends you their appreciation and thanks for su pport of .e Conference, the Erland Lee (Museum) ome and the Headquarters Fund. The workshop offered to Area Conventions by the Provincial Board is .\\\ l ///;.- “Promoting Through Displays." This is a hands-on workshop on design, setâ€"up, handouts and staffing (etc). Promoting a positive image of the Women's Institute goes hand in hand with sustaining and recruiting members. Thank you for an~ swering the questions posed by the FWIO Membership Conrdinator. Your input and help is important. For the Branch who gains the most new members between April I. 2001, and March 3|. 2002, the Provincial Board is offering one paid registration to the Provin» ciitl Conference in June 2002 in Sault Ste. Marie, The winning Branch will also re ceive $300 in cash, with the runnereup Branch receiving a gift basket of FWIO sales items. The top ten Branches will re- ceive recognition in the Home & Country newsletter and on the FWIO website Have you planned a program on volun- teers or volunteering this year‘.7 Volunteers are the lifeblood of communities. “The Year of the Volunteer," as pronounced by York Road WI ’5 Quilt Creation the United Nations for 2001. has three main aims: to recognize volunteers and the value of volunteering to society; to irri- prove the environment and infrastructure in our communities to make them more “volunteer friendly;†and to increase net- working at all levels of society. The WI has a long history of volunteerâ€" ing by providing workshops, short courses, aid and support in their communities. You have the expertise to enhance your com- munity by sharing yourknowledge on food preparation, safety and health issues, tech- nology information and sewing and crafts (etc). Maybe there are like-minded groups in your locale who would welcome the opportunity to partner With you to offer courses and workshops.7 If you have access to the web, there is a list of lOI Ways to Give Recognition to Volunteers and the Ten Commandments for Motivating Volunteers at www, gov.mb.ca]agriculture/homeec Have a good summer! Bye for now! Christine Reaburn is the PIESJUEHI ol the Federated Women's Institutes oFOntario. She can be reached at RR 7, Wes‘tmeath ON K0} 2L0, Phone 613382-3559, .FaX' 61358273550. Email. christinereaburn@hotmall.corn Exchanging Views M 0 cl 5 I We in e n 's In s titu to m e m b e r S h i r I e y T a w e r 5 (left) was selected to participate in the Inter- national Exchange and Study Program with the Michigan Association for Family & Com- munity Education. Marjorie Southworth (right) from Mulliken, Michigan, was twinned with Shirley for the exchange. Last Novem- ber, Marjorie and her husband Neil came for a weekend to Shirley's home. Local Women '5 Institute members and their spouses were invited to meet Marjorie and Neil and to share their farm life and other experiences. Both couples enjoyed the exchange Visit realizing they had much in common. Submitted by Shirley Toweis Moder WI. Middlesex Northwest Members of the York Road Women '5 Institute created a beautiful quilt as their millennium project. The quilt was raffled and won by Darla Lowery of Orano. Pictured from left to right are Grace Humlryes, Margaret Whitehause, Rose Schneider. Sharon French, Marion Mcllveen, Marilyn Edi-nonds, Neyas Clark, Gertrude Miller, Helen Schneider, Ann Evans, Annie iacDana/d. Alice McMurdy, Edith Ploegman. Susan Archer, Joyce Robbins and Shirley Jung. Submitted by Shirley Voting, Secretary. York Road Wl. Nonnumbeiland East. Home & Country, Summer 2001 3