Springlord WI Publishes Tweedsmuir History TllL' Spnngt’urd Woman‘s lnalrlulc. mlh lhc hulpnl lhc Nnrwlch erlnrrcal Sncicly. launched the puhlrcnlrrm Ul th‘Ir 'l'wccdsmurr Hrslnry Bunk The 256vpagc hard crwcr hnnk. In- clurlrrrg 250 phnlnyrnplrx. wax Ihc BrunLh Inrllunnrurn pnrlccl and wax rIIIIrJr: pussrhlu thruuglr u grunt lmnr lhc (Jnlunn 'I‘rrllrum l‘numlnlrnn 'l‘wccrlsnrurr llrxlrury ('urulnr Lena l‘m trrsl cumprlcd Sprrnpl'nrrl'x lrlxlnry In I‘Hll In the lulr: l‘)(rll\, ('urulur l.rllr;rn Wlnlc rcsczrrclrcrl rrrrrl wrnlu rnuuh nt' lhc vrllzrgc lllxlrrr}, tls \L’Cll Ir» llrc lrlxlury n! runny lnurl larrms In 1005, Jnycc l'ullrgrcw hmmnr: l‘urnlur :rnll mnltnuull Ilrc \wrk Inurcuxrny lhc lurm Irrxlurrux In H 'l lllu rcwarch llLILL'N lllL' hulllry ul Illch lurrnx Irnrn llu' ( ‘rrm‘n lrrlllL‘ I‘J‘NI» Ilchthrng llll‘(lL'Vcltllilllk‘lll ul IrngLullurc lrrvnr Ilrr um~ lrrrrxc [rlrm Irr Lun'cnl glnwny prnduurun 'I'lrc vrlllryu lrrxlnrr l‘Mlt'Kklll‘L‘tl lrnrn lhc crrrlrcsl wlllurxul 1W7 In lllL‘ Standing from left to rightare Joyce Pettlgrew â€" Tweedsmulr History Curator. Springiord Wt. Nancy Lester â€" Ctr-President. Sprlngtord WI and Ernie Herdsman - MPF, Oxford. Seated are Marlena Archer â€" plcwlll rllry Be a Royal Volunteer llw Royal/\qru rrll uml WIIItI-r l-lll (Fl/\Wl) ('nmr'nrtlr‘r‘ rt vr-ry rrxrrIr-(l Ihr', yrurr .Itmrrl lhrl anvrr". Irratrlulr- llnrrllr llrr‘ WI lm‘. AI qroal alrrry In [(‘ll And uulrrrrlr-rr'r wrll lrnrrprly qrm't vmmn In Ilw thrultr Ir; lnll llrrrl nlnry lhry (ornmrttr-o r. .rluu lruprnr] lo lmw wmu rww rlr‘m'. to sell .Il llu'rr mill". tablr' Volurrtut-n .m- rrur'rlvrl to help nut al thn Wl lluuth at the Ruyal So plcusr- wnsrdcr rornrnq rr'. lur .1 day lr‘l". nmkr II a lull and worthwhrlr‘ vr-nlrlrr-I It you .rrn rrrtr-rr-slod m volunloormq‘ umlnrl the than M Ilrr- ('ommrttoo, Donna erlowx, at ‘’1‘) I’ll (24%, m lax her at 519 ml 50 M Nominations Sought lor Extellente in Agriculture Award Um u nqmn, In parlru-rslup wrth lhc RAWF, iWIO wrll wen-m Itwrr l xu‘lll‘ncc rn Agrrculturc Award l0 .1 woman who I'. .r (anadran (rtrzon rosrqu In (lrrmda and h.“ mnlrrbutod lo the RAW} m an outstandrnq manner over a pcrrod nl Irnw [)0 you know at a woman rn your (ml-nurme or elsewhere who ll“ Ihrs ("Irma7 lhc deadlrnr‘ for srrbmrssron rs September 1, I001 Marl all numrnntrom to FWIO al 7382 Wollmqton Rd 30. HR 5. Guelph ON NH! 6]} llrr: ll?(lpl(‘l|l of flux Award wrll be honoured at the Opcmnq Night at lhr: Horse Show at the Royal More rnlormolrun on the Exmltonca In Agrrnrlturc Award Is avallable lrom lhe FWIO Provrnual Otlrce at 519836-3078, or on the FWIO chsrle at www two on (a It Home I Country, Sumnm 200i President. Perth South District WI and Pauline Lindsay . President, London Area WI. “ml-nmrf 5r II WWI, q ,rm wr Ovlnr} Welcome to Pakenham The l’ulwnlr.rm Wnrncn\ lnxlrlulc pmurlly wmplclcd lhcrr mrllcnnrurn prnlcul. Thu ylnlrp InlllJlL‘Ll ll‘ls: prmluutmn and Inxlnllulmn \ll lmrr "\Vulcmnc lu l‘uLcnlmIn" \Ignx, unu .rI l'ilL'll .Ippmzrull In Ilrc lmrrrlcl The \Iyns .rrc InlL‘llLlL‘Ll In hcuulrly lllC quurnl lrtllc lr.rrn|uL hurrrc nl Nnrlh Arncrrm'x unl) l'ncurth \Ervnr: hrulgc .’\l llrc mmrc mm: the prr 1|L'kl Inn rmxxurml wninr l’L'\lllL'nl\ unrl rcnrrmlrrl llrc \nullr lltill cwn rlunng lhr: prmcxx nl .nrrulparnarlrun. Ilrcrr l‘IL‘lrn'cd l’.rLunh;rrn rr‘rnrnnx :rn :IL‘Ian ulmc Ixan urrrrrnunrl) . hlrxxlxxrppl .\l|ll\ In l.rll\t|ll\ Cnullly [Irv X l IJNW pron-cl \Hh runlr/nl hy lrcrrrunrlnuwllnrl lrnnr llrc rrlcrrrlwrwl l’.rl\cnlr;rrrr \\I llr.rmlr lucL-llsnrurr ('urulur Currnnu l\l:rul~.rrlunu prmluucrl tr lnslnrrcul hurrklcl r-nlrIIr-Il I'ull nlurrrr, [UH/1.3mm (tn-clung mnlx, bookmark and hrrdgc l:r|lrc~ rlcxrgnml try rrrr'rrrln'r Duluth) Dcugrr \wn: \ulrlv .‘\ll|l unc currrplclcrl \Ign “an prnlnnlcd :rl lllc l'nlwnlmrn Spr my Home Show l‘.|\1 ycnr ‘Ilu: Mnnrupul Mrllcnmunr Fundrng hnmlul lllc \llrrl nl Ilrc prurcu Irnd ‘.I leuur mrnpgnyn In luml huxrncxwx \(lllL‘llt‘Ll lurllrcr lumlrng l'lrrcc lucul mun wlunlccrcd lhcrr [mm In “Null llrc \IEDN. 'llrrx ycur. llrr: l’ukcnlrunr llnrlrwlluml 50cm!) \vrll lw L'nlruncrng Illc \tlL'\ 9mm»: by MW r~,-lqu'r'r\ "nI-Ir'num wr [snark hath Plumbers of the Pakanhnm WI salted In the front row from left to right are Frances Downay. Esthlr Tlmmins â€" Socrutnrmesurnr. Lillian Cannagh. Marlon Timmlns. Dar-Iona Baum- Ind Hlldu Saunderse Standing from left to right 1r! Edmr Schraoder. Corinna MncFarlana - desmutr Curator, Mar-g Ferguson - Prestdcnt. Mary Pnlga, Marlorlo Wilson, Doro". Dvuga. Bath GIN-n Ind Fog Tlmmlns.